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Netflix releases Ryan Reynolds action movie that could be start of new franchise

Netflix releases Ryan Reynolds action movie that could be start of new franchise

There's a new group of action heroes in town.

Transformers franchise director Michael Bay is back but this time on Netflix with a new action blockbuster featuring popular Deadpool star Ryan Reynolds.

6 Underground follows a group of people who are dead to the world but are actually recruited to bring their unique skills to saving the world even though their pasts have been entirely erased.

Their names won't be known to the wider world, but their actions will.

The explosive film also stars Inglorious Basterds actress Melanie Laurent, Corey Hawkins, Adria Arjona, Manuel Garcia-Rulfo, Dave Franco , and former EastEnders star Ben Hardy.

The Bay action flick is occupying the December slot that previously saw success for hits Bird Box and Bright, but will it find the same popularity?

Also, most importantly, is it any good?

Here is what critics are saying about 6 Underground's quality and likely popularity.

Netflix's 6 Underground review round-up


Kate Erbland of IndieWire gives the film a positive B rating, saying: "Bay and his wildly charismatic cast (led by Ryan Reynolds, and that’s only the beginning of the crew’s charm) are more than up to the task in an impossibly cool, often incomprehensible vigilante thriller that seems destined to launch a massive new franchise for Netflix."


She adds: "If you like Bayhem, you’re going to  love  “6 Underground,” which opens with a nearly 15-minute-long car chase that pokes fun at spy flicks, the Spice Girls, and even Michelangelo’s statue of David while also unfurling non-stop action and enough civilian bloodshed to explain why no traditional studio would reasonably make it."

The Independent

Clarisse Loughrey of The Independent gave the film only two stars, writing: "Although we’re used to Bay’s films cutting constantly between different angles, 6 Underground borders on parody. It’s also a tonal disaster. Wernick and Reese are best known for writing Reynolds’s aggressively irreverent dialogue in the Deadpool films. They throw the actor a few choice lines here, but it’s hard to stomach the references to Eighties sitcoms when they’re here being contrasted with scenes of gas attacks and refugee camps."

However, she adds: "Granted,   6 Underground   is chaotic and absurd enough that it might actually suit Netflix. Perhaps that’s its purpose: to be viewed during a bleary, Sunday morning hangover – when all movement and colour is a welcome distraction."

(L-R) Corey Hawkins, Adria Arjona, Ben Hardy, Ryan Reynolds, Mélanie Laurent, Manuel Garcia-Rulfo (Image: NETFLIX)


In mostly positive review for Variety , Peter Debruge writes: "No one specializes in wall-to-wall action quite like Bay, who adopts Tony Scott-level abstraction in his editing here, relying far more on tight framing (for the smaller screens?) than usual, and even going so far as to incorporate nimble consumer-grade camera footage for the parkour scenes.

"The dizzying mix will make audiences grateful for Netflix’s 10-second rewind feature — and may even set repeat-viewing records."


In a rather scathing review for ScreenCrush : "Michael Bay truly is the perfect Netflix director. 6 Underground   will look great spliced into half-second fragments at the top of the Netflix home page, and when people click on the movie and sort of glance at it while folding laundry they’ll be able to admire the impressive stuntwork and special effects without dwelling on pesky things like logic or the lack of emotional stakes."

Ryan Reynolds in 6 Underground (Image: NETFLIX)

Rotten Tomatoes

There is currently no critical consensus yet on review aggregator Rotten Tomatoes , but of the 19 reviews counted, the film sits at a measly 37% and is rated "Rotten".

Time will tell if this remains as such, or if audiences will feel differently.

6 Underground is out now on Netflix

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