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Why do we get 'the fear' the morning after a night out drinking alcohol?

Why do we get the fear the morning after a night out drinking alcohol
An expert explains what happens to the body when we consume alcohol; why we get anxiety the next day about what happened the night before; and why we might crave junk food on a hangover

Despite the government moving to Plan B amid the rapid surge of Omicron, Boris Johnson has said workers can go ahead with Christmas parties.

And new rules that mean a Covid pass is needed to gain entry to clubs haven't put a stop to many revellers taking to town this festive period.

Now on the other side of Mad Friday - although much more subdued than in previous years - Christmas is just around the corner, which for many, will mean more drinking either at home or in your local boozer.

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But, regardless of the season, many drinkers will have felt what it's like to wake up the next day with 'the fear'.

These feelings of anxiety, not remembering what happened, and sometimes feelings of regret after drinking alcohol are a real phenomenon.

Some call it the 'beer fear', while others describe it as 'hangxiety'.

That feeling where you find yourself questioning everything you have done and said the night before.

Although the term doesn't have an official place in the English language dictionary, it is of course in the Urban edition.

"The irrational feeling induced by alcohol after a heavy session," it states, before adding: "Waking and at first feeling indifferent about the events of the night before but then, over a period of several hours, your memory coming back in small amounts of ever growing embarrassment for yourself and the way acted or what you said to, probably, the wrong person".

If that sounds familiar then you will be pleased to know you are not alone - and there is a scientific reason for it.

Liz Burns, who is a lecturer of mental health nursing at Salford University with a specialism in alcohol services, has explained to us why and how this happens.

She chairs a research project - Communities in Charge of Alcohol (CICA) - which is an alcohol health champions project in Greater Manchester.

Here, she talks us through why we get 'the fear' the morning after a night out drinking alcohol:

Liz Burns (kneeling) working with volunteers at an Alcohol Health Champion training event
So, what happens when we drink alcohol?

Liz told the M.E.N that alcohol forces the brain to switch off the central nervous system because it is a depressant rather than a stimulant drug.

"Our inhibitions are turned off which is makes us feel relaxed and confident," she said.

"Because alcohol is a depressant, our motor coordination becomes slower, which is why we may become clumsy.

"As brain processes slow down, your memory can become impaired."

Liz explained the liver is the only way alcohol can be broken down and metabolised.

"It can break down one unit per hour, so if you're drinking above this, your blood alcohol level increases.

"A glass of wine for example has 3.5 units.

"When blood alcohol levels increase with the more we drink, the more 'switching off effect' we experience.

"The more we drink, the faster our liver has to work to break down the alcohol and when it exceeds this rate, that is when we become intoxicated."

Liz added: "But drinking so much in a single episode can be very dangerous.

"It can result in alcohol poisoning and in some instances, the body can become unconscious."

Why might we feel anxious and have 'the fear' the next morning?
A woman sits slouched at the side of a street on Mad Friday (Image: Manchester Evening News)

"Feeling anxious the next day is down to the interaction of chemical compound glutamate," Liz continued.

"We may feel fearful because we can't remember everything that happened the night before; it's not at the forefront of the mind.

"We may be able to piece together moments, and memories can sometimes come back to us when we're stimulated by something."

Drink Aware, an independent alcohol advice charity, said that after drinking large quantities of alcohol, the brain can stop recording into the 'memory store'.

An explainer on their website says: "That's why you can wake up the next day with a 'blank' about what you said or did and even where you were.

"This short-term memory failure or 'black out' doesn't mean that brain cells have been damaged, but frequent heavy sessions can damage the brain because of alcohol's effect on brain chemistry and processes."

Liz added: "Alcohol makes it also impossible to have a deep sleep as it disrupts it, which isn't good for mental wellbeing.

"However someone may think they slept because they had their eyes shut, the liver is working overnight to break down the alcohol so it's not a restful sleep and affects the quality.

"It's neither deep and makes you out of sorts.

"In the longer term, mood problems may occur as people might drink to feel better - but it's a vicious cycle.

"Feelings of anxiety may initially feel better with drink.

"Others may have a 'night cap' to send them off to sleep, but it'll actually cause disruption and they'll be awake earlier."

Liz's advice is low-risk drinking over binge-drinking, by using the limit of 14 units a week, to be spread out across seven days.

Mad Friday revellers in fancy dress (Image: Vincent Cole)
Why do we crave junk food on a hangover?

"The day after drinking, the body will turn back on and try to re-balance after being switched off", said Liz.

"When you drink alcohol, because it is so high in sugar, when you stop, the next morning, your blood sugar levels are likely to have dropped to re-balance the body.

"Along with being dehydrated, the body craves carbohydrates, which is why some may want junk food to re-align.

"The body is trying to compensate."

How many units are in my drink?

It can be easy to lose track of alcohol units on a night out. The NHS states:

Single small shot of spirits (25ml, ABV 40 per cent) - 1 unit

Gin, rum, vodka, whisky, tequila, sambuca. Large (35ml) single measures of spirits - 1.4 units

Alcopop (275ml, ABV 5.5 per cent) - 1.5 units

Small glass of red/white/rosé wine (125ml, ABV 12 per cent) - 1.5 units

Bottle of lager/beer/cider (330ml, ABV 5 pc) -1.7 units

Can of lager/beer/cider (440ml, ABV 5.5 pc) - 2 units

Pint of lower-strength lager/beer/cider (ABV 3.6 pc) - 2 units

Standard glass of red/white/rosé wine (175ml, ABV 12 pc) - 2.1 units

Pint of higher-strength lager/beer/cider (ABV 5.2 pc) - 3 units

Large glass of red/white/rosé wine (250ml, ABV 12%) - 3 units

Alcohol dependency

"Extra caution is needed if you have developed an alcohol dependency - which includes feelings of anxiety and withdrawal symptoms, such as having a mild tremor or shake, or finding yourself sweating", said Liz.

"Some consumers can have a psychological dependency, where they think about alcohol and feel better after a drink.

"If you're drinking every other day, with only so many hours without, withdrawal effects can create a complex rebound excitation; to the extent of seizures and fits. And if severe, these can be life-threatening."

Liz added: "What's worse is the more you drink, the higher your tolerance will develop."

If you think you may have an alcohol dependency, then you can speak to a local alcohol service that can check your dependency and help you from there.

You can find more information on the Greater Manchester Health Hub, where you click on the map of your local borough to find available services.

Advice and information can also be found on the NHS website here, which gives contact details of related charities.

You can also receive a personalised plan by answering five questions with the Every Mind Matters NHS campaign.

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