Easter 2019 opening hours: What time is Morrisons, Tesco, Aldi and Lidl open?
Most workers will enjoy an extra couple of days off over the Easter Bank Holiday weekend. This is the perfect opportunity to spend time with family and friends, while basking in the glorious heat. But don’t fret if you have forgotten to buy some hot cross buns or Sunday roast items for your guests, as you will still be able to pop into certain shops. Related articles Christians take part in REAL CRUCIFIXIONS in Easter ceremony Passion of Jesus: 20,000 gather in Trafalgar Square for Good Friday Here are the opening times for your favourite supermarkets Morrisons Opening times for Morrisons will vary over the Easter weekend. But the majority of stores in England and Wales will follow these opening patterns: Good Friday, April 19 - 7am to 10pm Saturday, April 20 - 7am to 10pm Easter Sunday, April 21 - Closed Easter Monday, April 22 - 8am to 7pm To avoid confusion, the best option is to check your local store for its opening times. Easter 2019 opening hours: Make sur