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Ashling Murphy: Vigil in memory of 23-year-old to be held at Belfast City Hall

Ashling Murphy Vigil in memory of 23yearold to be held at Belfast City Hall
The 23-year-old teacher was murdered while she was out for a run in Tullamore, Co Offaly

Vigils are to be held across Northern Ireland on Friday evening in memory of murdered teacher Ashling Murphy.

The 23-year-old had gone for a run along the canal bank in Tullamore, Co Offaly, on Wednesday at around 4pm when she was attacked and later died of her injuries.

Her death has shocked and saddened people across Ireland who are heartbroken at the loss of the talented trad musician and much loved teacher.

Deputy First Minister Michelle O'Neill said: "The whole country is shocked and devastated at the horrific murder of 23 year old Ashling Murphy while going for a run. Her family, friends, colleagues and the children she taught are in our thoughts this morning.

"Violence against women and girls must be stopped."

At 4pm on Friday, January 14, vigils will be held in memory of Ashling and all victims of gender based violence at Belfast City Hall and at Derry's Guildhall steps.

Another will take place at 7pm on Ann Street in Dungannon.

Those wishing to attend have been asked to respect social distancing guidance and wear masks.

Organisers Reclaim the Night Belfast said: "Join us at Belfast City Hall, 4pm Friday 14th January, as we make space to remember Ashling.

"Please wear a mask and respect social distancing.

"Feel free to bring a candle or flower.

"No flags or banners.

"If you cannot attend please light a candle at 4pm and share a picture with #HerNameWasAshling."

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