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Is December 27 a bank holiday in 2021? Bank Holidays over Christmas and New Year

Is December 27 a bank holiday in 2021 Bank Holidays over Christmas and New Year
This year Christmas Day, Boxing Day, and New Years Day have all fallen at the weekend and this has led to some confusion around whether they are Bank Holidays and when the Bank Holidays are

One of the best parts of Christmas is the Bank Holidays.

Bank Holidays are specific to the UK and they're called 'bank' holidays as they used to be the days when the banks were officially closed.

Nowadays, however, they just describe a national public holiday.

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Every year Christmas Day, Boxing Day, and New Year's Day are all treated as Bank Holidays which means that most people in the UK are given three paid days off work.

There's been some confusion around when the Bank Holidays are this year, however, as Christmas Day and Boxing Day have both fallen at the weekend.

This means that they can't be Bank Holidays as Bank Holidays are meant to fall during the working week, i.e. Monday to Friday.

As a result of this, Bank Holidays have been moved to substitute days.

One substitute day will be on Monday, December 27, to make up for Christmas Day and another will be on Tuesday, December 28 to make up for Boxing Day.

New Years Day is also at the weekend and will fall on a Saturday.

This means that there will be a substitute Bank Holiday for New Years Day as well and this will fall on Monday, January 3.

When are the UK Bank Holidays in 2022 and do we get an extra Bank Holiday for the Queen's Platinum Jubilee?

The next Bank Holiday will be on April 15 2022 to mark Good Friday.

This will be followed by a Bank Holiday on Easter Monday, which falls on April 18 this year.

The early May Bank Holiday will take place on Monday, May 2, and the Spring Bank Holiday is on Thursday, June 2.

2022 marks Queen Elizabeth's platinum Jubilee and this means that there will also be a Bank Holiday on Friday, June 3.

Most people will, therefore, be able to enjoy a long four-day weekend without work from Thursday, June 2 to Sunday, June 5.

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Following this, there is also the August Bank Holiday which will take place on Monday, August 29 and this will be the last Bank Holiday before the Christmas period in 2022.

Christmas Day 2022 will also fall at the weekend but on a Sunday instead of Saturday.

New Years Day will also fall on a Sunday as well.

This means that there will once again be two substitute Boxing Days, one on Tuesday, December 27, and another on Monday, January, 2.

Boxing Day will fall on a Monday in 2022 which means that there will be no substitute Bank Holiday.

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