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Easter Eggs You May Have Missed In The Book Of Boba Fett Episode 6

Easter Eggs You May Have Missed In The Book Of Boba Fett Episode 6
Here are all your Boba eggs from this week's episode of The Book of Boba Fett, From the Desert Comes a Stranger.

Mando comes to the school and sees ant droids building a structure that looks like the ones Luke was living in years later when Rey finds him on Ahch-To. This is the beginning of the school that we saw burning in Luke's memory. R2-D2 is there, of course, and greets Mando. The ant droids make him a bench where he must learn patience, I guess. Ahsoka comes to talk to him instead of Luke and here's where my mind was blown. I guess I still think of Ahsoka from the animated series, but I have to remember ages here. Ahsoka was friends with Luke's father, Anakin, and his mother, Padmé. She is older than Luke here. Grogu is as well, since he survived Order 66 (we'll get to that). Sometimes, knowing the ages of the actors messes me up. 

Anyway, she appeals to Mando by talking about what's best for Grogu. He can see his little buddy up on the hill giving a fist bump to Luke, and he leaves, knowing that Grogu will be okay. 

He won't, Mando! Go get him! Ben is going to destroy the school someday! She takes the gift for him and gives it to Luke, and here we learn that Grogu is remembering more than learning. That begs the question: Did Grogu know Yoda? Age-wise, maybe he did, but he's blocked it out. Luke might have been asking if he remembered his own species, but maybe that was a question about Yoda specifically. 

When Luke and Ahsoka talk, she says he's so much like his father with his doubt about training. Of course, we know she knew his pop. She mentions this to Mando as well when she says she's a friend of the family. She leaves and says she may see Luke again and says, "May the Force be with you." I didn't realize how much I needed to hear that.

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