People are only just realising what the 'goo' inside Cadbury Creme Eggs is

Easter is finally here, which means people around the country will be scoffing chocolate eggs, but there is one that is more popular than all the rest. That is, of course, the iconic Cadbury's Creme Egg.
They are sold year-round in the millions, so it's surprising that many people still don't know what's inside them. People on social media have been airing their confusion as to what the mouth-watering substance concealed in the chocolate egg is.
Posting on Twitter, @danieladomako said: “I have a huge problem weighing on my mind: what is the substance in the middle of a Creme Egg called? What is it? A goo?”
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"I have a question. What is the goo made from in a creme egg? Is it true that they are stored for two years before being sold?" @AamirZaffar asked.
Well, if you are one of those people scoffing your face with the chocolates and wondering what the ‘goo’ is – fear not. The Daily Star has delved into the ‘goo’ related mystery to find out what is inside the nation’s much loved springtime treat.
Creme Eggs are quite rightly a favourite amongst those with a sweet tooth thanks to their unique taste. And what makes them so special is that the two chocolate shell halves are filled with a soft fondant.
The fondant is supposed to mimic the yolk and egg white of an actual egg, hence why the ‘goo’ is both white and yellow. And, just like the name would suggest, the ingredients actually contain dried egg whites.
According to Cadbury's official website, over 500 million Creme Eggs are made each year - with Brits enjoying the most. “Cadbury Creme Egg is the most popular and over 500 million Creme Eggs are made every year with about two thirds of that number being enjoyed in the UK," it said. “That is 3.5 Cadbury Creme Eggs for every person in this country to enjoy.”
And, apparently Brits like to put their money where their mouth is – quite literally. The huge chocolate company has revealed that annually, £70 million is spent on creme filled eggs.
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