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CBD oil: What is it, where can you buy it, is it legal is it safe and what does it do?

CBD oil What is it where can you buy it is it legal is it safe and what does it do
CBD oil is one of the fastest growing consumer products.

But what exactly is it, is it safe and how can you buy it? Here's the answers to a number of the commonly asked questions about CBD oil.

What is CBD oil?

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CBD oil is cannabidiol, a cannabinoid which is found in cannabis plants. It was first discovered in 1940 but has only recently become readily available to people.

It has the chemical formula C21H30O2.

The product is extracted from cannabis plants but it lacks the psychoactive ingredient which intoxicates people who use cannabis.

Is CBD oil legal in the UK?

As of 2022, CBD products are completely legal in the UK.

CBD oil can be bought in many chemists without a prescription, and a number of high street stores now stock the product. There are also stores springing up across the UK which specialise in CBD products.

It has also been used to infuse food and drinks, and some cafes and restaurants are specialising in CBD products too.

What are the health benefits?

CBD oil is said to help people with anxiety, joint pain and skin conditions, although there is not yet enough high-quality evidence to prove that it is effective against these conditions.

In America, a drug with CBD was approved for the treatment of epilepsy.

Research has also been carried out into the effects of CBD on pets, with studies suggesting that it could be used to treat osteoarthritis and epilepsy in dogs.

How are they available?

CBD oil can be bought in a capsule, as an oil or as a gummy sweet. It is often taken by people adding a few drops of the oil under their tongue. However, it can also be added to drinks and food.

It is said that the CBD industry could be worth £1bn by 2025.

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