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EastEnders' Cheryl Fergison reveals secret womb cancer battle and why she never told anyone

EastEnders Cheryl Fergison reveals secret womb cancer battle and why she 
never told anyone
In an exclusive interview with the Mirror, actress Cheryl Fergison, who played loveable Heather Trott for half a decade in Albert Square, reveals how her life fell apart following the devastating diagnosis in 2015

Eastenders favourite Cheryl Fergison has opened up for the first time about her secret battle with womb cancer - and how her former cast-mates got her through the darkest, most terrifying years of her life.

In an exclusive interview with the Mirror, the actress, who played loveable Heather Trott for half a decade in Albert Square, reveals how her life fell apart following the devastating diagnosis in 2015. At the time Cheryl, 58, decided to keep her ordeal private, but she says she is at last ready to speak about what turned into eight years of physical and emotional turmoil - and how the love of her husband and son, and the extraordinary generosity of her Eastenders friends, helped come out the other side.

Along the way - and entirely unbeknown to her fans - there was also the trauma of a hysterectomy, early onset of the menopause, and the sad realisation that she wouldn’t be able to have children with her husband of 12 years Yassine, who is 20 years her junior. Her voice full of pride, Cheryl, 58, says: “The time is right to talk about it. My family and I have been through a lot but we’re still here.”

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Cheryl Fergison on location at Lytham Hall Park, Lancashire ( Tim Merry/Mirror Express)

“Yes, there were some dark moments when I thought: ‘am I going to die?’ Am I going to leave my husband without a wife, my son without a mum? But I am strong and I’d knock those thoughts away. I was determined that it wasn’t going to beat me.”

The London-born star is bubbly and outgoing as she chats from the home she shares in Blackpool with Yassine, who she married in 2011, and son Alex. A self-proclaimed ‘adopted Northerner’, she is full of future plans, excited about a forthcoming one woman show and the prospect of appearing in panto alongside her son in Peterborough this Christmas.

But it’s clear the memories of her devastating diagnosis nine years ago and its shocking aftermath are still difficult to share. Cheryl, who appeared on Celebrity Big Brother in 2012, reveals: “I’d gone for a regular smear test - which had been clear - but I’d started having a lot of backache and then I began spotting blood, which wasn’t normal for me. I had been fitted with a coil to help with very heavy periods but somehow I just knew something didn’t feel right”.

Cheryl with her husband Yassine El Jamouni ( Tim Merry/Mirror Express)

A visit to her GP saw her referred for tests and a biopsy at a local hospital in Kent, and four months after that he received the news she had Stage Two cancer of the womb. Hearing the doctor’s words was, she says, like “an out of body experience”. She says: “I was in absolute shock; stunned to the core. I couldn’t believe the doctor was talking about me.”

According to Cancer Research UK around 75% of women diagnosed with Stage Two cancer of the womb will survive 5 years or more after diagnosis but all the statistics in the world didn’t prevent her thinking ‘why me?’ She said: "I’d had a new beginning with Yass, everything was perfect. And then this.”

She underwent MRI scans - “I remember in the scanner having an earpiece in to listen to music and ‘Paradise’ by Coldplay was playing. I thought ‘this is about as far from Paradise as it’s possible to be’.” She also had a slew of chest X-rays before medics recommended she undergo a full hysterectomy within weeks. All I could think was ‘I have to get this thing out of me’ but it was very difficult. It impacted how I felt as a woman.

“I’d not long married Yassine and suddenly any thought of having a child together had been taken away. We may not have gone down that route, of course, but we’d lost the ability to choose. It brought on early menopause too; in terms of how I saw myself as a woman, it felt as if it had all come to an end. It was a horrendous time.”

Cheryl chose to delay telling the then 16-year-old Alex, her boy by her marriage to her first husband, Jamshed Saddiqi who she divorced in 2008, as he was facing school exams.

Cheryl with her son Alex ( Tim Merry/Mirror Express)

“It was heartbreaking but I remember thinking my son will be alright because he can always see his mum on celluloid; I’m captured forever even if I’m gone”.

Meanwhile Yassine was in Morocco. The couple have lived apart for periods in their marriage, a combination, says Cheryl, of family circumstances, visa issues and finances, later compounded by a Moroccan earthquake - Yass was part of the relief effort - and then Covid. At the time of his wife’s diagnosis Yassine was also dealing with both the death of his grandmother, to whom he was close, and his father’s illness.

She says: “We Skyped every day and that’s how I had to break the news. Women naturally want to protect others and I wanted to explain that it was all going to be OK, even though I didn’t know if it was. My heart was breaking. I was almost grieving myself, as if I was already gone, but I had to be strong.”

She confided in a few trusted friends including former EastEnders colleagues Barbara Windsor, June Brown and Steve McFadden as well as Paul O’Grady and Julian Clary.

“Their support meant the world to me,” remembers Cheryl, whose on screen Albert Square character was murdered by bad boy Ben Mitchell in a row over money. When I was in EastEnders, I would go to Barbara’s dressing room and June’s everyday and I loved their stories. Barbara was no nonsense - if she didn’t like something she would let you know - but she was also a great person to tell your problems too. She’d say: ‘whatever’s going on in your own four walls, when you go outside, put on a smile - the public don’t want to see you miserable, darling.”

A few days after they had all attended Paul O’Grady’s 60th birthday, where Cheryl had privately discussed her news, Barbara and husband Scott asked Cheryl to call in on them.

“I can hear her now saying ‘come on darling, how are you feeling? You know you can get through this’. I popped to the loo and when I came back Barb said, ‘right, darling, how much? How much are your bills and your mortgage because we’d like to support you. I was in shock and said no but Barbs was insistent - I wasn’t earning. They sat there and wrote a cheque. I was sobbing but Barbara hugged me and said: ‘don’t worry. We’re always going to be here for you.’”

Cheryl was diagnosed with womb cancer in 2015 ( Tim Merry/Mirror Express)

Cheryl also praises Linda Henry, who played Shirley Carter in the soap, for her support while Steve McFadden - “he’s like a big brother to me, I love him to bits” - arranged for her to stay in his Cornish home so she could recuperate after her hysterectomy. The surgery itself was straightforward. Cheryl was in hospital for three days and then underwent a five week course of radiotherapy. Even with friends rallying round, it took her months to recover.

But her worries continued after doctors told her to monitor any unusual symptoms as there may be ‘some cells’ left within her. Only last year, when Cheryl consulted doctors after suffering further backache which she feared would be a signal that the cancer had returned, did she get the all clear.

“They looked into it. They had trouble getting hold of my notes but, when they did and they looked at them, it turned out the initial treatment had got all the cancer,” she says.

Now recovered and healthy, Cheryl says she is looking forward to life with renewed vigour and energy. She cycles regularly on the prom, has her sights set on losing weight and is eating well - she reveals Yassine is an excellent cook. And, of course, she still watches her favourite soap.

“I love the characters and the storylines. Soaps do an important job of showing people that actually, compared to some, their lives are ok.”

Would she like to go back to Albert Square? “I don’t know how possible that would be because I was murdered! Maybe I could return as Heather’s long lost twin?” she laughs. But Heather was iconic - let’s leave her be. I live up north now - I’d love to play someone else in another soap.”

As for her own drama of the last few years, she is looking forward to putting it behind her with new creative projects on the horizon and a zeal for encouraging other women to take their health seriously.

“Listen to your body. Even if it’s the smallest concern - go and get checked because if you haven’t got health, you’ve not got no wealth. I’ve come through it and so can others. It’s all about living life now and I’m ready to fly.”

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