What Drives Nina Moseley? - Chief Operating Officer, Wayside Christian Mission
MoxieTalk with Kirt Jacobs Episode 186. Nina Moseley – Chief Operating Officer, Wayside Christian Mission Interviewed 04-01-2016 https://moxietalk.com/episodes/nina-moseley/ ABOUT NINA MOSELEY When Nina Moseley talks about her work helping those in poverty, her eyes light up with hope, and her enthusiasm fills the room. Since 1988, Moseley has been the chief operating officer of Wayside Christian Mission. The organization helps Louisville’s homeless population “not with a hand-out, but with a hand up.” The organization has grown from an overnight shelter for the homeless to a center for hope with education and skills training. Along the way, they’ve taken on the city, enlisted HUD, and the Louisville community at large. Moseley traded in finance and collections at local department stores to leap into the unknown at Wayside. She met her husband there and has contributed to many lives turning around.