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Cybersecurity professionals question value of education amidst skills shortage

Cybersecurity professionals question value of education amidst skills 
A new global study by Kaspersky Lab, a leading cybersecurity firm, reveals a growing disconnect between cybersecurity education and the needs of the industry.

A new global study by Kaspersky Lab, a leading cybersecurity firm, reveals a growing disconnect between cybersecurity education and the needs of the industry. The research comes as the world faces an acute shortage of cybersecurity professionals.

The study found that nearly half (47a%) of cybersecurity professionals surveyed felt their academic training wasn’t very applicable to their current roles. This skills gap forces many professionals to seek additional training to keep pace with the ever-evolving threat landscape.

With the global cybersecurity workforce needing to nearly double to meet current demands, according to ISC2, the world’s leading cybersecurity professional organization, Kaspersky’s study delves into the educational roots of the skills shortage.

Education Disconnect Hampers Professionals

The research highlights a significant disconnect between cybersecurity education and the realities of the field. Many respondents (37%) indicated their education provided only somewhat (14%), slightly (13%), or no real-world applicable knowledge (24%).

The study further investigated potential reasons behind this disconnect. Less than half (49%) of respondents reported having access to hands-on experience through real-world cybersecurity projects during their education. Additionally, access to the latest technologies and quality internship opportunities were identified as weaknesses in cybersecurity education programs.

Limited Training Availability Exacerbates Problem

The lack of relevant coursework compounds the issue. Half of the surveyed professionals believe the availability of cybersecurity courses in higher education is poor (25%) or very poor (25%). This perception is particularly strong among professionals with 2-5 years of experience, where over 80% expressed concerns about the availability of quality coursework.

“Cybersecurity education struggles to keep pace with the rapid evolution of cyber threats,” commented Evgeniya Russkikh, Head of Cybersecurity Education at Kaspersky. “Outdated curriculum leaves graduates with knowledge gaps. At Kaspersky, we bridge this gap by partnering with universities to integrate industry expertise into their programs, ensuring students gain both theoretical knowledge and practical experience.”

Kaspersky Offers Solutions to Bridge the Gap

Kaspersky advocates for a multi-pronged approach to address the cybersecurity skills shortage, focusing on academia, the workforce, and businesses:

  • Higher Education: Universities can upgrade curriculums by partnering with cybersecurity companies to integrate the latest industry knowledge. Kaspersky’s “Kaspersky Academy Alliance” offers universities access to industry experts, training materials, and cutting-edge technologies.
  • Workforce Development: Young professionals can gain practical experience through internships in information security or research and development departments. Kaspersky encourages aspiring professionals to follow their LinkedIn page for internship opportunities.
  • Skills Development: Cybersecurity professionals can continuously improve their skills through industry competitions and additional training courses. Kaspersky offers a wide range of educational resources for both individuals and organizations.
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