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‘Fortnite’ finally adds Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson

Fortnite finally adds Dwayne The Rock Johnson
A particular character has finally been unmasked as Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson.

Fortnite‘s Chapter 2 has ended, and a particular character has finally been unmasked as Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson.

Fortnite’s big Chapter 2 blow-out, titled “The End”, set the scene for Chapter 3 to begin. Alongside capping off the story, Fortnite also unmasked the vigilante known as The Foundation. The man behind the mask was Dwayne Johnson all along. The movie star is present in all his glory with armour design after his Samoan-style family tattoo. His iconic eyebrow raise also made an appearance.

The stream accompanying The End is still live, showing a player stuck in an endless sea after the main landmass was obliterated. At the end of the finale, the main map flipped over amidst the cosmic chaos caused by Cube Queen. Some fans believe that Epic Games could reintroduce an updated version of Fornite’s original map, but nothing is certain at this time.

Fortnite servers are currently down as Epic Games update to Chapter 3. No date has been given for when players can jump back in. Epic asked prominent Fortnite leakers to keep things secret regarding the upcoming chapter to keep surprises under wraps. However, many leakers felt that if someone does share information, they would also have to share it.

Prominent leaker HYPEX said in a tweet that “I’ll most likely do what [Epic Games] said if they’re willing to take this seriously instead of just stopping 2-3 leakers from leaking. I gave them some ideas on how to do it, just waiting for a response.”

Another leaker, iFireMonkey, tweeted to say, “Personally, I have been trying to think about how this would work for a bit today and how I feel is that if anyone is able to leak the update I see no reason for me to not post leaks, since no matter what people would be able to post it anyways.”

In other news, Halo Infinite developers have opened up about including playlists such as classic Slayer.

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