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Where to Find the Crashed Star Destroyer in LEGO Fortnite

Where to Find the Crashed Star Destroyer in LEGO Fortnite
If you want to take the fight to the Empire, here's where to find the crashed Star Destroyer in LEGO Fortnite.

The Empire wasn’t satisfied with taking over a galaxy far, far away – now they want your LEGO Fortnite world. The Rebels are here to help, but you’ll need to infiltrate the Imperials’ camps to defeat the evildoers. Here’s where to find the crashed Star Destroyer in LEGO Fortnite.

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Where to Find the Crashed Star Destroyer in LEGO Fortnite

An Imperial base in LEGO Fortnite. This image is part of an article about where to find the crashed Star Destroyer in LEGO Fortnite.

As soon as you load into your LEGO Fortnite world, several ships, including a Star Destroyer, will appear in the sky. The Imperial ship has seen better days, though, and it will crash somewhere in your world. If you pay close attention, you should be able to spot where it lands. That will be helpful because the crash site doesn’t appear on the map and is likely pretty far away from where you watched the event, being in the Frostlands.

Unless you feel like you can take on the entire Empire by yourself, however, it’s probably not smart to run right at the crash. Imperials will be crawling all over, with the Empire setting up camps to protect its goodies. So, it’s probably best to start by heading to the Rebel Base after getting your Macrobinoculars. The Rebels will give you some quests to do to help build up their Base, which is how you get a Lightsaber. It’ll be a lot more fun to go after the Empire with a Lightsaber on your belt. 

Related: Everything Coming to Fortnite for Star Wars Day 2024

If waiting around isn’t your style, though, you can head right toward the crashed Star Destroyer. Visiting the crash site is one of the Sandbox Weekly Challenges that earns you Studs, so there is a benefit to not sitting on your hands.

And that’s where to find the crashed Star Destroyer in LEGO Fortnite.

Fortnite is available to play now on various platforms, including the Meta Quest 2 and 3.

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