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Holly Willoughby: Gavin Plumb jailed for life for murder plot

Holly Willoughby Gavin Plumb jailed for life for murder plot
Gavin Plumb must serve a minimum of 16 years for plotting to abduct, rape and kill the ITV presenter.

In his sentencing remarks, Mr Justice Murray said the detail of many of the other messages Plumb sent were “so horrifying, shocking and graphic in detail they were not read out in open court".

The trial heard he purchased 400 heavy-duty metal cable ties, as well as bottles purported to contain chloroform to knock Ms Willoughby and her husband out upon breaking in to their house.

Plumb told Marc in March 2023 in a voice note: "We're then gonna force her [Ms Willoughby] to make a video saying she come with us under her own free will… and she's fully consenting to everything we do to her – so that covers us."

The jury was told he checked out an abandoned stud farm with cells to "keep" Ms Willoughby.

“He is no fantasist - he’s a calculated, violent, sexual predator who has spent his adult life inflicting or plotting to inflict harm on women,” said Det Ch Insp Greg Wood, of Essex Police.

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