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No To Objectification. No To Inequality. No To Injustice. Women, Say it!

No To Objectification No To Inequality No To Injustice Women Say it
The pervasive objectification of women in our society seems deeply ingrained, showing no signs of abating any time soon. It appears that we've embraced the saying "ignorance is bliss" a bit too seriously. However, as women, it shouldn't be the case.

The pervasive objectification of women in our society seems deeply ingrained, showing no signs of abating any time soon. Its prevalence has reached such heights that women have grown accustomed to it, albeit reluctantly. Amidst the myriad challenges women face daily, this issue often takes a backseat in their struggle.However, a recent incident brought this issue to the forefront once again. During a high-profile event at the Royal Albert Hall in London, British actress, singer, and television presenter, Hannah Waddingham, confronted a photographer who allegedly made inappropriate remarks, requesting her to show her leg as she walked the red carpet in a stunning lavender gown with an off-shoulder design and a slit.In a video capturing the incident, Hannah swiftly and firmly responded to the photographer's request, expressing her disapproval and demanding respect. Her assertive response garnered applause from bystanders and quickly went viral on social media platforms.


Netizens across various social media platforms commended Hannah for her dignified yet assertive reaction, praising her for standing up against such behavior.

Waddingham, renowned worldwide for her role in the acclaimed comedy series "Ted Lasso," for which she earned an Emmy award, demonstrated that women will not tolerate objectification and deserve to be treated with dignity and respect.

Do not make it your habit

It appears that we've embraced the saying "ignorance is bliss" a bit too seriously. However, it shouldn't be the case. As women, we must realise that even the slightest hint of ignorance can inadvertently convey acceptance, leading men to believe it's permissible to make such remarks. This issue isn't confined to women in the glamour industry; rather, it's simply more visible due to media coverage.Women who work outside the home often encounter situations where a colleague stares at their outfit or fixates on their bare legs. Some individuals even seem unable to divert their gaze from a woman's chest, particularly when she wears tight or revealing clothing. Many times, you've likely chosen to ignore such behavior, haven't you? However, it's crucial not to do so.Instead, you must meet their gaze directly and firmly express your discomfort with their actions or words. In my experience working in media offices, I've witnessed how female anchors were often objectified by many men. They would stare and make inappropriate comments, yet only a few women would confront them. Over time, this behavior became normalized, with both the man making the comments and the woman listening becoming accustomed to it.

At the time, we might not recognize it, but such behavior can become a habit that we inadvertently pass on to our daughters or the women in our surroundings. So keep a check! This doesn't imply that every man behaves this way, or that all women respond similarly. It's about a minority, but remember, it only takes one bad apple in a bunch to spoil the rest.

Views expressed by the author are their own

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