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Well, I thought I'd sign off the year by wishing everyone on all the best for 2024! I've had a well earned break over Christmas, and it's given me a chance to reflect on my personal goals and conduct over the last 12 months, as well as set some ne

Well, I thought I'd sign off the year by wishing everyone on all the best for 2024!

I've had a well earned break over Christmas, and it's given me a chance to reflect on my personal goals and conduct over the last 12 months, as well as set some new ones. It's also occurred to me that I'm not getting any younger, and with father time catching up with me I thought I'd better start behaving myself... just in case I end up catching a short elevator down to the gates of Purgatorio rather than Paradiso!

So firstly I'd like to thank RichCB for continually schooling me in 2023. I realise that I might sometimes (well, OK, all the time!) come across as petulant and boorish in my responses, but the reality is that I'm in awe of your superior intellect, Rich! I was under the false impression that all Brexiteers were thick idiots and racists, but it turns out that I was wrong. Sorry.

Secondly, I have to admit that ebikes are not real bikes. I have to say that pretending to pedal while a motor pulls oneself up a hill is rather liberating, if rather bad for the waist line, but alas I cannot keep up the pretence any more. Ebikes are no more a type of bicycle than aardvarks are a type of elephant.

Finally, in 2024 I'm going to break out of my London bubble and visit neighbouring areas of the country. I've heard that there are many leafy lanes to the North and East, filled with polite and courteous road users. I'm looking forward to exploring them ALL in the year ahead.

So a toast to you all!Trendy

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