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Lesley Sharp on Red Eye twists: 'You don't know what will happen next'

New ITV thriller Red Eye arrives this week, telling the story of a police detective (Jing Lusi) tasked with chaperoning a murder suspect...

Sharp spoke with exclusively about the brand-new thriller, and revealed what excited her most about the series when it first came to her.

Sharp said: "I think it's that, at the end of every episode, first of all, you don't know what's going to happen next. And the second thing is, you don't know who it is that's pulling the strings on this and putting people in danger. And you don't know whether people are pretending to be in danger or whether they're really in danger. So you're right in there.

"I read all the scripts so I know what happens, but when I started watching it, I was going, ‘Oh my God, what's going to happen next?’ So, I think that’s the thing – that it's genuinely [unpredictable]."

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Lesley Sharp plays Madeline Delaney in Red Eye. BAD WOLF FOR ITV AND ITVX

Sharp continued: "It's a thriller… and I think that there are ways of telling those stories that are very efficient and very entertaining. But I think what Pete has managed to do is make all of the leading characters psychologically complex and three dimensional, so you invest in all of them as people alongside a very compelling edge of your seat narrative.

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"So the marriage of those two things makes the show very elevated and engaging. And I just found, when I started watching it, 'yep, I’m in, I want to see this.'"

Armitage also spoke with about the show, and said that he wanted his character to be an "enigma" to the audience.

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He explained: "Normally, I would probably have written a biography of him, but I didn't. I focused on his job and I focused on the here and now, because I wanted this man to be an enigma.

"I did like the idea of the viewer fluctuating between completely trusting him and really having serious doubts about who he really is."

Red Eye premieres on ITV1 at 9pm on Sunday 21st April. Stream all episodes on ITVX after episode 1 airs.

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