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Florida Surgeon General defies CDC guidelines

Florida Surgeon General defies CDC guidelines
Admin correction: the title of this story has been edited to remove hyperbolic clickbait. DeSantis is no leader and anyone who doubts this need to look no further than his Surgeon General. We are not just talking measles anymore. Someone from Human...

Admin correction: the title of this story has been edited to remove hyperbolic clickbait.

DeSantis is no leader and anyone who doubts  this need to look no further than his Surgeon General.  We are not just talking measles anymore.  Someone from Human Resources on the Federal level needs to step in and have this maniac removed.  If Desantis won’t do it then people need to demand DeSantis resign.

Schoolboy, 11, dies from meningitis in Florida - as parents are told to watch out for symptoms in children

A schoolboy in Florida has died after developing meningitis, local health officials have confirmed.

The youngster, 11, suffered from an infection before he was diagnosed with the condition — inflammation of the brain or spinal cord.

It is caused by a bacterial or viral infection from diseases including measles, polio and mumps.

Measles — the most infectious disease known to man — is currently re-surging in the US because of dropping vaccination rates and a rise in anti-vaxx sentiment.

Florida controversial surgeon-general says unvaccinated kids can go to school amid measles outbreak

Six cases of the disease have now been confirmed, with the first detected on February 16.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) advises any unvaccinated children who have been exposed to the virus to stay home for 21 days.

But in a letter to parents at the school, the state's controversial surgeon-general Joseph Ladapo suggested parents could ignore the guidance.

He said he would leave the choice of whether to keep unvaccinated children at home to the parents — prompting backlash from the medical community.

Parents being warned to watch their children and Ladapo suggest parent ignore the guidance.

I personally think the Dept of Justice needs to investigate DeSantis and his oversight and cabinet.

People are dying but not just down here.  There are thousands who come to Florida, get exposed and take infections back to their home states.   Florida depends on tourism but you wouldn’t think this is the case.…

Florida surgeon general is a danger .   (headline from Miami)

These republicans  are spreading disease and a whole lot of ignorance.  You don’t have to visit Florida to get diseased up….just be around  someone who has a serious contagious  illness with disease that was  exposed in Florida.  This is exactly how pandemics and epidemics start nationwide.  When you send your child to school  or play yard or park in NY or Nebraska, you do not know which  kids were in Florida and exposed.  These anti vaxxers are everywhere but encouraged in the State of Florida.

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