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ITV Strictly The Real Full Monty: EastEnders star Laila Morse’s life from very famous brother to bankruptcy

ITV Strictly The Real Full Monty EastEnders star Laila Morses life from very famous brother to bankruptcy
The Albert Square star also has an Oscar-winning sibling

Laila Morse is the actress best known for portraying Mo Harris of 'Big Mo' fame on EastEnders from 2000 to 2021.

The 76-year-old, from South East London, also played Janet in the film Nil by Mouth.

Outside of her acting career, she has a surprising family link that most people do not know about.

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She was also forced to declare bankruptcy in 2013.

Famous family

Leila's stage name hides her relation to her brother, Academy Award-winning Gary Oldman.

Her stage name was suggested by fellow actress Isabella Rossellini who was dating Gary.

'Laila Morse' is an anagram of 'mia sorella' which, when translated from Italian, means 'my sister.'

The talented brother and sister made their debuts together on Nil by Mouth in 1997.

Gary wrote and directed the BAFTA winning film and Laila acted in a performance which earned her the Most Promising Newcomer in any Category at the British Independent Film Awards

TikTok user @martha_madden4 posted a video of the pair with the caption: "Two actors I refuse to believe that they are siblings."

The comments section was full of shocked responses, with one writing: "Hold up what I literally had no idea."

Another said: "No this is a lie I'm living in the matrix surely this cannot be true my whole world has been rocked."

A third wrote: "Legitimately had to Google it because I was shook."

Bankruptcy claim

In August 2013, Laila was forced to declare bankruptcy.

She later told The Mirror that she was £150-200,000 in debt and bailiffs would often knock on the door while she hid inside.

The actress said she had to borrow thousands from friends and had to use her £40,000 fee from I'm a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here to pay the debt.

“I was robbing Peter to pay Paul. I borrowed £13,000 off friends otherwise I’d have been on the streets. I’d hear the bailiffs knocking but I wouldn’t answer. It’s not nice – you can’t describe it,” she said, in 2014.

Laila will appear on ITV's Strictly The Real Full Monty tonight (Image: ITV)

“I earnt £40,000 in the jungle before Christmas but I never saw a penny of it. I thought I could pay back the people I owed but it went straight to the receivers.

“Now I have the £300 a month they give me to live on, that’s all. They pay the rent and bills. Everything I earn they get. The bank reckons that will go on for three years. I don’t have debit cards, I can’t go to cashpoints. I had to sell my car."

She continued, speaking to the Mirror: “When they announced the bankruptcy I felt shame. I felt disgraced. You don’t want to go out anywhere or see anybody. You feel people are looking at you.”

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She once earned £80,000 a year during her stint on EastEnders.

Now, she has ruled out a full time return to Albert Square.

Laila will appear on Strictly The Real Full Monty tonight (Monday December 13) at 9pm.

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