#Holy Week 2019#Spy Wednesday #Maundy Thursday #Good Friday#Holy Saturday #Easter Sunday 21-04 2019
Holy Monday 15-04-2019. Holy Monday or Great Holy Mondayis the Monday Of Holy Week, which is the week before Easter. The Gospels tell us of some of the events that actually occurred on the day of the Biblical Holy Monday. cursing of the fig tree, the questioning of Jesus\' authority the Cleansing of the Temple and some diverse parables. Holy Tuesday 16-04-2019. Holy Tuesday or Great and Holy Tuesday is the Tuesday of Holy Week, which Significance commemorates the Parable of the Ten Virgins and the Parable of the talents or minas The Matins service for Monday through Wednesday of Holy Week is known as the Bridegroom Service or Bridegroom Prayer, because of their theme of Christ as the Bridegroom of the Church. Holy Wednesday 17-04-2019 In Christianity, Holy Wednesday, also called Spy Wednesday, or Good Wednesday, and Holy and Great Wednesday, is the Wednesday of Holy Week, the week befor