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Find out what the difference is between Mother's Day in the UK and US

Find out what the difference is between Mothers Day in the UK and US
Find out what the difference is between Mother's Day in the UK and US - see when they both originated and why they take place on different days.

In fact, the special day originates from the US, as Anna Jarvis celebrated the first Mother’s Day on May 12, 1907, when she held a memorial service honouring her late mother in Grafton, West Virginia.

Encyclopaedia Britannica added: “Jarvis’s mother, Ann, had organized women’s groups to promote friendship and health, and Jarvis led a campaign to establish a holiday that recognized the importance of mothers to their families.”

Her efforts were found to be successful and within five years, almost every US state took part in Mother’s Day.

In 1914, President Woodrow Wilson made it a national holiday, but when did it come over to the UK?

When did Mother’s Day start in the UK?

In Britain, Mother’s Day was later developed from a tradition in the middle-ages, which allowed those who had moved away to visit their home parishes and their mothers on Laetare Sunday, the fourth Sunday of Lent, explains Britannica.

It added: “This became Mothering Sunday in Britain, where it continued into modern times, although it has largely been replaced by Mother’s Day.”

What is the difference between Mother's Day in the UK and US?

What will you be doing with your mum this Mother's Day? (Image: Getty)

In the US, Mother’s Day falls on the second Sunday in May, while in the UK, it takes place in March and sometimes April.

The UK date changes every year because it follows the date of Lent, which also changes due to the lunar calendar.

Mother’s Day takes place three weeks before Easter on March 31 in 2024.

Recommended reading:

When is Mother’s Day 2024 in the UK?

This year, you will have the chance to celebrate the motherly figures in your life on Sunday, March 10.

In 2025, Mother’s Day will land on Sunday, March 30.

Thank Mum: Mother's Day Gratitude Ideas 

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