I Was Absolutely NOT Procrastinating Today, Nevertheless, Here is ...

Posted on April 13, 2024 Posted by John Scalzi

This is the fault of my friend Greg van Eekhout, who today on Facebook opined that “If you’re over 45 and play guitar you have a moral duty to learn at least one yacht rock song.” To which I commented that I called dibs on “Brandy” by Looking Glass. And since I called dibs on it, I felt beholden to, you know, actually whomp it up. It is the weekend, so I felt like I could take a couple of hours to play with it. And here we are.
Two things: I did not do the background vocals on the song, because I am lazy, and I used MIDI guitar, because I’m having some difficulty getting my audio interface to play nice with my guitar right now. The problem here is almost certainly me rather than the audio interface. Nevertheless, if you were going to comment that my guitar playing seems to be coming along, all I can say is, thanks, I cheated.
Also, if you want to compare and contrast with the original, here it is:
Enjoy the rest of your weekend!
— JS
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