Pokémon Legends Arceus: How to Unlock Every Pokémon Mount

To unlock Basculegion, you’ll need to catch a Dusclops for Iscan (who you can find at Aipom Hill in the Cobalt Coastlands area). After using Dusclops’ Shadow Ball attack to cook food for the Basculegion, you’ll be able to meet, feed, and finally summon this mount.
You can summon Basculegion near any body of water, but you’re also able to ride another mount into the water and automatically summon Basculegion once you hit it. Like Wyrdeer, Basculegion can dash with the “B” button and jump with “Y.”
Pokémon Legends: Arceus – How to Unlock the Sneasler MountSneasler is a rather unique mount that will allow you to finally zip up climbable surfaces like mountains and trees with relative ease.
You can find the Sneasler mount by fighting Ingo in the Clamberclaw Cliffs. After the duel, you’ll learn how to summon a Sneasler mount to call your own.
You can summon Sneasler like any other mount, or you can approach a climbable surface while on foot or on another mount and hit the “A” button prompt once it appears. You can hop off of him by hitting the “B” button, and Sneasler can move between climbable surfaces with the “Y” button (when prompted to do so).
Pokémon Legends: Arceus – How to Unlock the Braviary MountHere is the big one. Unlocking Braviary means finally unlocking the ability to fly, which, as you probably guessed, happens to be the most useful traversal ability in the game.