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Salford: Teacher 'liked attention' but denies sex with boys

Salford Teacher liked attention but denies sex with boys
A teacher denies the allegations of sexual activity with boys claiming she only wanted attention.

"I thought he wanted something to happen. There was no way that was going to happen.

"I explained I had been in a nine-year relationship and really struggled with the break-up and I'm not that kind of person."

She added: "As a teacher I should never have engaged in any form of contact.

"I caved in to the attention he was giving me. I struggled massively over the Covid period.

"I was obviously lonely and I liked the attention at the time."

She was arrested, suspended from work and bailed while police investigated the allegations about Boy A.

At this time Ms Joynes was in touch with Boy B on social media, despite a ban on contacting anyone under 18.

Joynes said she was "curious" about Boy B contacting her on Snapchat and she "genuinely believed" he cared.

She claimed they only had sex after she was sacked which was when she fell pregnant.

Their daughter was taken from her following an emergency court hearing 24 hours after delivery.

She is allowed contact three times a week for three hours.

Ms Joynes denies six counts of engaging in sexual activity with a child, including two while being a person in a position of trust.

The trial continues.

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