Apartheid – Royal Dutch Shell Plc .com

Posted by John Donovan: 5 May 2024. In a plot twist worthy of a soap opera
finale, Shell, the oil behemoth with a heart as black as its...
Posted by John Donovan: 5 May 2024
In a plot twist worthy of a soap opera finale, Shell, the oil behemoth with a heart as black as its crude, is reportedly packing its bags and bidding a tearful farewell to South Africa. Because when you’ve spent over a century plundering resources and polluting with abandon, what’s one more continent left in your wake?
According to reports that sound more like the stuff of urban legends than corporate reality, Shell is set to divest its whopping 72% stake in Shell Downstream South Africa. Cue the dramatic music as Shell’s BEE partner, Thebe Investments, watches its dreams of oily riches slip through its fingers like so much spilt petrol. read more
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