Here's when the next solar eclipse is in 2022 - and how to see it in the UK
Stargazers and casual observers around the world will be looking forward to this weekend, when the first solar eclipse of 2022 will take place. A rare celestial event, the partial solar eclipse is only visible from certain locations and at specific times.
Here’s which locations people will be able to spot the eclipse from and how to see it in the UK.
A solar eclipse happens when the moon passes between the Earth and the sun, obscuring (or partially obscuring) the sun if you’re looking at it from Earth. These paths rarely intersect, so it’s a quite a special event to see.
This weekend’s eclipse is a partial one, with a maximum of 64% of the sun’s surface being obscured. It will likely cause a crescent shape, depending on the angle and view of the sun.
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Eid 2022: When is Eid al-Fitr, when is Eid al-Adha, and what are the origins of ...The upcoming partial eclipse will take place on April 30th, with it first becoming visible at 7.45pm UK time. The maximum eclipse, when the largest portion of the sun will be obscured, will happen a couple of hours later, at 9.41pm UK time. The eclipse will end at 11.37pm UK time.
The eclipse on April 30th will be the first of two partial solar eclipses in 2022, with the second a few months away still on October 25th. A total lunar eclipse will also occur on May 16th.
The solar eclipse will only be visible over parts of Antarctica, South America, and the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. Many of these locations are fairly remote. However, if you are in the UK and still keen to see the eclipse, there is a public livestream that will give you the chance.
The YouTube channel Gyaan ki gareebi Live will begin broadcasting from 6.45pm UK time and enable you to see the full event from the comfort of your own home. Gyaan ki gareebi is an India-based YouTube streamer who broadcasts live views of full moons, rocket launches, and other space events.