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Apple Music: How to make Spotify Wrapped 2019-style playlist of most played songs

Apple Music How to make Spotify Wrapped 2019style playlist of most played songs

SPOTIFY just launched its hugely-popular Spotify Wrapped 2019 feature, which reveals some key statistics around your music library, including your most played artists, bands you've discovered within the last twelve months, as well as a playlist of your most played tracks of 2019. If you're an Apple Music subscriber, don't look jealously at all the screenshots of Wrapped circulating on social media – create your own version. Here's how...

Apple Music Version Of Spotify Wrapped

Apple Music has its own version of Spotify Wrapped, dubbed Music Replay (Image: APPLE)

Spotify has finally launched its annual Wrapped feature for subscribers. The nifty feature lets music lovers discover some key statistics about their music library – all presented in colourful charts that can be shared across social media. The statistics include a breakdown of your most played artists, the number of minutes you've spent listening to music on Spotify, as well as the answer to whether the Hamilton original Broadway recording is your third or second most listened to album of the last decade.

But what about those who don't use Spotify? Well, there's good news if you're an Apple Music subscriber. For the first time, the rival streaming service has launched its own twist on the Spotify Wrapped feature. Dubbed Music Replay, the music service will create a playlist of everything that has been booming through your headphones this past year. Apple Music will bundle together a playlist of 100 of your most played songs from the last 12 months – a great chance to rediscover some new favourites that you might’ve forgotten over the months.

Not only that, but just like the Wrapped 2019 website, Apple will also bring you some in-depth statistics about your library, including the albums that you’ve listened to the most over the last year, new artists that you’ve discovered in 2019, and other insights into your streaming habits.

You’ll also be able to learn how many artists you’ve listened to in total over the course of the last year.

Apple Music Spotify Wrapped 2019

Apple will present your statistics on a dedicated Music Replay website (Image: APPLE)

Interestingly, Apple actually improves on some of what we've seen from Spotify Wrapped. Apple acknowledges that we’ve got almost a month to go before 2020 comes around the bend – so your Apple Music Replay 2019 playlist will update itself behind-the-scenes with any new artists or albums that start dominating your listening habits in the next few weeks. That's something that Spotify doesn't cater for. Instead, your playlist is typically locked with data pulled from your library between January and late October.

That said, Apple doesn't offer the same level of stats found with Wrapped 2019. However, there are some third-party apps that can offer an almost scientific level of depth in the statistics around your listening habits, favourite artists, time spent listening to a certain album, number of times you've skipped a certain song, the list goes on and on... One such option for iPhone owners is Snd.Wave, which is free to download but locks some advanced features behind an in-app purchase.

Since this is the first time Apple has offered a feature like this, it’s also offering up the ability to download playlists from previous years. So you can warm-up some nostalgia and see what you were boogying to back in 2016.

If you’re particularly happy with any of these playlists, you can share them with friends or family on iMessage or WhatsApp, tweet it, or share on Facebook – just like any other playlist on Apple Music. And if you’re a little embarrassed about the sheer amount of Rebecca Black and Nickelback cropped-up in the last year, you can, of course, delete it from your library and never speak of it again. To sort your own playlist, head over to and tap on “Get Your Replay Mix” to generate your playlist.

Like Apple Music Replay, Spotify Wrapped is found at a separate web address that you’ll need to navigate to, which walks you through an interactive experience based on the music you’ve listened to this year. For example, you can guess, then check, how many total minutes you streamed.

Explore the number of new artists you discovered, your most-played songs and artists, and your top genres—and then share your results to your Instagram, Twitter and Facebook feeds with your personal Wrapped share card. Spotify Premium users will get to go a little deeper, with access to additional insights about their year in listening.

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