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How to be a stoic in the modern age — by an Olympic medallist

How to be a stoic in the modern age  by an Olympic medallist
Mark Tuitert, a former speed skating champion, says the ancient Greek philosophy can help us now in his new book

One cornerstone of ancient Greek stoic philosophy is that a setback is a signpost — not a stop sign. Mark Tuitert discovered this the hard way aged 20, when he was the biggest speed-skating talent in the Netherlands (where the sport is huge), training for the 2002 Winter Olympics with a massive sponsorship deal behind him.

On top of that pressure, “my parents were fighting each other, going through a divorce”, he recalls. Yet he was so determined to be the next speed-skating star that he pushed himself relentlessly, skipping rest days and living and breathing a “winning is everything” mentality.

The anti-stress plan for men, by ex-commandos

It backfired. His overtraining led to burnout, and he missed out on qualifying altogether. Instead of

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