Strike “The Ink Black Heart” S6E1 16 December 2024 on BBC One
On Monday 16 December 2024, BBC One broadcasts Strike!
The Ink Black Heart Season 6 Episode 1 Episode Summary
The upcoming episode of “Strike,” titled “The Ink Black Heart,” promises to dive deep into the world of online harassment and identity. This episode focuses on Edie Ledwell, who is known as the co-creator of a popular cult cartoon called The Ink Black Heart.
In this episode, Edie finds herself in a troubling situation. She is being harassed by an online figure known as Anomie. This harassment has taken a toll on her life, and she feels overwhelmed by the situation. In a moment of desperation, she turns to Robin, the show’s main character, for help. Robin is known for his investigative skills, and Edie hopes he can uncover the true identity of Anomie.
As the story unfolds, viewers can expect to see Robin navigating the complex world of online anonymity and the darker side of social media.