‘I already called in sick,’ admits NFL fan who’s not alone as ’16million Americans’ to miss work with ‘Supe...

AFTER the Super Bowl festivities on Sunday night, many football fans prepare ahead of time and call in sick to work on Monday.
It is estimated that 16 million Americans will participate in what is known as Super Bowl Monday.


“I already called in sick,” admitted one football fan to News Nation.
Schools in Paris, Kentucky have already pre-emptively canceled class so families can enjoy their Monday off, according to the outlet.
“Monday should be a national holiday, absolutely. The day after the Super Bowl, whenever that falls. The plan is to work remote, as little as possible,” one Super Bowl attendee said.
The talk of a post-Super Bowl Monday was in conversation last year when two Tennessee lawmakers proposed replacing Columbus Day with the Monday.
Read more on the Super Bowl
The Super Bowl this year not only has the game at center stage, but it also has Taylor Swift as the star of the show.
Millions of her fans have begun to watch and attend the games, allowing the NFL watch numbers to skyrocket.
"We will get the season numbers after the Super Bowl, but if the Chiefs win for example, it’s expected to be more than up to $150 million would be generated by Taylor Swift’s presence and being, clearly, the new ambassador of the Kansas City Chiefs fanbase not only in the United States, but worldwide," an NFL executive told the Sun.
The night of the Super Bowl is a big night for parties — Americans have spent some $1.2 billion on beer in the two weeks leading up to the Super Bowl in prior years, according to data by Nielsen, reported by the New York Post.
Most read in American Football
The outlet put together a few ways to make Monday morning easier if you were lucky enough to get work off.
Drinking lots of water will allow you to replenish any lost fluids.
A good rule of thumb is to drink a glass of water between every alcoholic beverage, reported Fox News.
They also suggested eating a meal consisting of grans, lean proteins, and fruit to go easy on your stomach.
Food such as eggs and bananas can help stabilize your blood sugar levels and help you recover faster.
Another few tips included taking vitamins, resting, and trying not to drink too much caffeine.