2020, April 7 - Full Super “Pink” Moon
Published 2020, April 4 Full Super “Pink” Moon April 7, 2020 By Jeanne Gibson @LWMagicalMystic Short Blog... The full moon on April 7th is called the “Pink” moon. The meaning behind Pink is due to the flowering pink phlox blossoms in April. It’s also known as a super moon meaning that it will appear larger and brighter than normal. According to some sources, this will be the only super moon for 2020. Anytime we have a full moon, I always place all new crystals outside to absorb the energies the full moon generates. In addition, any crystals that I will be gifting to individuals are also set outside to absorb the energies. The full moon is also an excellent time to reaffirm your intentions set during the past new moon. My higher self and personal guides keep saying the same thing. April’s Full Super “Pink” Moon will be the turning point for all the craziness that’s been going on g