Opening hours this week for Tesco, Dunnes, Supervalu, Lidl and Aldi with one more closure day

Shoppers have been flooding stores since they reopened on St Stephen’s Day as sales kick-off and the annual scrummage for a bargain begins.
While most stores have returned to their normal hours, there will be one more day of closures ahead of the New Year.
Many will shut their doors on Saturday, January 1, so customers will need to ensure they’ve done their shop in advance.
Here are the opening hours for Aldi, Tesco, Dunnes, Supervalu, and Lidl.
AldiAldi stores will close for New Year's Day but opening hours in the week leading up may vary in different locations.
Normal shopping hours will resume on Saturday, January 2.
Today, December 27 up until Thursday, December 30 most Aldi locations will be open from 9 am until 9 pm.
On New Year's Eve, which is Friday, December 31 they will open as normal at 9 am but will close at the earlier time of 7 pm.
Then on New Year's Day, all locations will be closed, before returning to normal hours (9 am-9 pm) on January 2.
LidlLidl stores shut their doors on Christmas Day and St Stephen's Day and will shut once more on New Year's Day this Saturday.
Lidl confirmed that their festive hours may vary depending on each county, so you should check in your local store for details.
Today, they’re open as usual from 9 am until 9 pm and this will remain until December 28.
Then on Wednesday, December 29 the hours change slightly to 8 am - 10 pm and will stay this way until Thursday, December 30.
On New Year's Eve, Friday, December 31, they’ll be operating from 8 am until 6 pm and on New Year's Day, they will all be closed.
Dunnes StoresThere will be different hours in place across the country on New Year’s Day, however, most stores will be closed altogether.
Dunnes Stores' opening hours will return to normal from January 2.
However, you will need to check online for your local hours.
TescoSome larger Tesco stores will remain open on New Year’s Day for any last-minute bits you need.
Local stores will be operating at different hours in the lead-up, and so you will need to check the store locator for the details.
SupervaluSimilarly, SuperValu shops will be working on different hours over the remainder of the Christmas break.
Check your closest shop on their store locator here or you can contact a specific store to find out
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