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Andrew Dunbar dead: Game of Thrones star ‘dies suddenly at home’

Game of Thrones extra Andrew Dunbar is said to have died suddenly at his home in Belfast on Christmas Eve. According to Belfast Live, his friend Andy McClay, said in a lengthy statement: “Everyone always wanted Andrew. “There was just something about him that was special. People always felt good around him, happy, excited for the day’s work and there was always a lot of fun when he was around. “When I heard he’d died suddenly on Christmas Eve, it just broke me. I’ll never make any sense of it. He was a true person, a talent, kind and decent man and he had a full and good heart. “I’ve cried and cried since I heard - my friend is gone and my heart is broken.” has contacted a representative for HBO for comment.  Principle Stills Photographer for Game of Thrones Helen Sloan also said: “Yesterday morning we heard the awful news that we lost one of our Thrones Family. \"Andrew Dunbar was an absolute gem. Funny, charming, beautiful - and that imp

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