Victoria Beckham's apple cider vinegar trick could aid weight loss, study finds
13 Mar 2024
The Times

Apple cider vinegar is the latest diet fad, with Victoria Beckham and Jennifer Aniston among its fans. But does it really work? A new study suggests it could help people lose weight
Could Victoria Beckham be on to something? Every morning when she wakes up, at a time the rest of us are having coffees, the former Spice Girl has a couple of spoonfuls of cider vinegar. She claims that it keeps her lithe.
Now a new study provides some evidence to back up her theory. A small trial found that when overweight people took just a small amount of cider vinegar every day, after three months they had lost about 6kg.
If validated, the findings suggest that not for the first time Beckham, along with other early apple cider fans such as Jennifer Aniston, is ahead of the trend. However, other scientists expressed extreme caution when interpreting the strength of the findings.
• Victoria Beckham has