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AGI is the absolute worst development for humanity

AGI is the absolute worst development for humanity
From the blog of Sharon Gal Or at The Times of Israel

AGI is the absolute worst development for humanity

And don’t try to convince me that

There’s something beneficial in machines that think

Because, when you take a closer look,

You realize that they could outsmart us.

Even if

They solve problems in innovative ways

We might end up losing control.

And it’s not true that

We can coexist peacefully


True collaboration can be attained

Only if AGIs have ethical constraints

It’s not true that a better future is guaranteed as

I’m sure you can agree that

Our creations

Have a significant impact on

Who we become

We’re heading towards oblivion

And you’ll never in a million years hear me say

I welcome AGI into our lives

Now read it from bottom to top, the other way,

And see what I really think about the future with AGI.

Let this poem be a reminder: what we bring into the future is not just our technology, but our humanity. Choose to be good, and the world will not just be better — it will be more than we ever imagined.

As we join together, forming networks of human concern about the future, we will find the strength and wisdom needed to create a better future for all.

Raising humanity on a new path

It all starts with YOU & AI I I I!

Sharon Gal Or – Pioneer of Transformation @ SingularityNET; Israeli Ambassador at U.S. Transhumanist Party. An Innovation, Sustainability & Leadership Management Strategist on creative education to government, non-profits, education, and arts bodies. Lectures in various international circles, leading and hosting training programs globally.

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