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Compulsory quarantine for 111 Cathay Pacific aircrew members lifted

Compulsory quarantine for 111 Cathay Pacific aircrew members lifted
Additionally, it was found that the three cases did leave their hotel rooms, visited places in the vicinity of the hotel multiple times, and had met with each other or friends outside the hotel.


Additionally, it was found that the three cases did leave their hotel rooms, visited places in the vicinity of the hotel multiple times, and had met with each other or friends outside the hotel.

Hong Kong's Centre for Health Protection (CHP) of the Department of Health has concluded investigations into the three imported cases involving local aircrew of Cathay Pacific Airways.

As such, the compulsory quarantine requirement for 111 aircrew members who were under compulsory quarantine in the same hotel where the incident happened in Frankfurt, Germany has been lifted.

Additionally, while the three patients has previously claimed that they had not left their hotel rooms during their stay in Frankfurt, they subsequently admitted that they had left their hotel rooms and visited places in the vicinity of the hotel multiple times and had met with each other or friends outside the hotel.

Even so, with CHP having provided this information to the health authority of Germany, the latter has found that no cases in Germany have been reported in connection with the hotel, and that there has been no known outbreak in the hotel.

"As the genetic sequences of the three cases are highly similar and according to latest investigation findings, it is very likely that they acquired the infection from each other or a common source outside the hotel and the chance of an outbreak in the hotel was relatively low," noted the CHP's statement.

Among those who have since been in quarantine in relation to this incident, 10 aircrew members have been confirmed to be classified as close contacts of the three cases. For the remaining 111, while they stayed in the same hotel, they had no contact with the three cases outside the hotel in Germany.

"Cathay Pacific has also verified that the 111 aircrew members had no contact with the three cases outside the hotel."

As such, as of 20 November, the 111 aircrew members have been released from the quarantine centre, while the remaining 10 close contacts continue to be quarantined.

Photo / 123RF

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