What does caulk mean?

Wordle is a game that can be both fun and frustrating depending on the word of the day - and today's word was definitely frustrating for a lot of players.
Many people sharing their guesses seem to have only figured out the word on their very last guess.
Even those that managed to figure out today's word - CAULK - may be unaware of what it actually means.
One user on Twitter wrote: "That was a tough one! CAULK is definitely not a daily use word!"
Another user was much less happy with today's answer: "Wtf is caulk gtfo of here".
Some have even blamed the increased difficulty on the New York Times who recently acquired Wordle with one user stating: "Thank you @nytimes for ruining wordle, now you're creating your own words...soon you'll kill the game".
Caulk is a material or substance frequently used in construction to fill gaps around the edge of something.
It is commonly used in bathrooms and kitchens where having tight seals around appliances is extremely important.
Caulking materials can provide thermal insulation, control water penetration and reduce noise transmission in homes.
Providing an example, the Cambridge dictionary states: “He'd offered to caulk the windows.”
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