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Royal clocks having their time changed this weekend

Royal clocks having their time changed this weekend
More than 1,600 clocks at the King’s official homes will have their time changed this weekend, marking the start of British Summer Time.

Changing the clocks will take some time. Credit: ROYAL COLLECTION TRUST / © HIS MAJESTY KING CHARLES III 2024.

More than 1,600 clocks at the King’s official homes will have their time changed this weekend, marking the start of British Summer Time.

A team of three experts will spend the weekend adjusting the clocks in the Royal Collection. These clocks are found in places like Windsor Castle, Buckingham Palace, St James’s Palace in London, and the Palace of Holyroodhouse in Edinburgh.

The Royal Collection Trust, which looks after these clocks, says they’re among the best and most historic items in the palaces. They include different types like musical, astronomical, and miniature clocks.

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Pictures released by the trust show experts putting back clocks in places like the Yellow Drawing Room and Centre Room in Buckingham Palace. This comes after five years of improvements in the palace.

One of the oldest clocks in the collection is the Anne Boleyn Clock, which Henry VIII supposedly gave to Anne Boleyn on the morning of their marriage in 1532. Another notable piece is Queen Charlotte’s watch, considered a precursor to modern wrist and pocket watches.

Remember, the clocks move forward by one hour at 1am on March 31 and back by one hour at 2am on October 27.

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