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Lidl and Aldi: The delicious Christmas snacks you've probably never tried

Lidl and Aldi The delicious Christmas snacks youve probably never tried
It's time to upgrade your mulled wine and mince pies

When entertaining guests over Christmas, what snacks do you usually buy?

For most of us, mince pies and mulled wine are towards the top of our lists.

But it's possible to recreate the experience of going to a Christmas market in Italy or Germany at home with tasty treats like panettone, stollen and lebkuchen.

Read More:Christmas news around Cambridgeshire

As well as making you feel like you've jetted off for a festive holiday, these continental snacks won't break the bank - if you know where to buy them.

For frequent Lidl and Aldi shoppers like me, you've probably already noticed the supermarkets' selection of European Christmas desserts.

But if you've never been tempted to try them, or if you don't usually shop at Aldi or Lidl, it's worth taking the plunge.

I ventured to Lidl and Aldi in Cambridge to see what Christmas treats I could find and how much they would cost.

Lidl had a larger range of the snacks, most of them their own Favorina and Deluxe brands.

Mini butter stollen, which I highly recommend, costs £2.49 per pack.

You can buy entire stollen cakes, but the bite-size German snacks - which contain dried fruit and marzipan - are particularly delightful.

(Image: Joanna Taylor/Reach PLC)

I also found a mini panettone - an Italian sweetbread again containing dried fruit - for 99p and a marzipan log for £1.49.

The spekulatius bites, which are small circles of chocolate filled with crunchy gingerbread, were £1.99, while the larger gingerbread hearts were £2.49.

I love the soft iced lebkuchen (£1.99) although these chewy biscuits aren't beloved by all; neither are the cranberry baklava which offer a festive twist on the flaky pastry dessert but are something of an acquired taste.

Aldi's own brand Holly Lane stollen bites cost the same as Lidl's, coming in at £2.49. Aldi also sells Holly Lane lebkuchen for 79p and mini panettones for 99p.

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Both supermarkets also sell full-size stollens and panettones as well as gingerbread houses and Turkish delight.

Marzipan bars at Aldi are £1.39 and should not be overlooked despite their simplicity: the chocolate-covered treats are beautifully sweet and tasty, albeit best eaten in small quantities.

Friends I have shared these European Christmas snacks have said that they love them but would never have thought of buying them before.

So if you want to add some spice to your cupboard (more specifically cinnamon, nutmeg and ginger) give them a try.

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