Measles Update! Scientology Cruise Ship Will Be Re-Quarantined in Cruacao
Measles Update! Scientology Cruise Ship Will Be Re-Quarantined in Cruacao The Scientology cruise ship Freewinds will be re-quarantined once it arrives in Curacao health officials say. All passengers and members of the crew that can prove that they have been immunized for the measles will be allowed to come and go from the ship the officials confimed. #scientologynews #scientologycruiseshipnews #freewindscruiseshipnews #freewindsmeaslesnews #scientologymeaslescruisenews #curacaomeaslesnews #stluciameaslesnews #cruiseshipnews #measleson cruiseshipsnews Join the TWB Family live Monday to Friday at 5pm et plus Saturday at 2pm et. We talk about cruise ships and cruise vacations, deals, updates and news. It\'s a live Q and A fun free for all show! Plus play live Trivia with Bruce on Tuesday and Thursday evenings at 8pm et. Support my channel today visit Amazon from this link My channel will earn a commission with any pur