Doctor Who: The George Brind Fan Series | Story 5: Gallifrey Rises – Special Edition
In the fifth of the Special Editions to “Doctor Who: The George Brind Fan Series” (2013–2023) based on the well-known BBC sci-fi TV series “Doctor Who” (1963–), here is the fifth story “Gallifrey Rises” which also served as the fourth proper episode to the series when it was first released on YouTube on 8 August 2015. “Gallifrey Rises” continues from its previous four stories “Inside the Television”, “The Empty Island”, “A Tale of Two Detectives” and “Back from the Dead”, taking place in creator of the fan series George Brind’s own unique “Doctor Who” reality and/or universe, and a strikingly different reality to the officially established one at that, in terms of writing new stories and ideas around what had been established on-screen in the official series up to November 2013. The quest the Twelfth Doctor (George Brind) and his companion Eddie Parker (Thomas Puttock, then credited as “Thomas Bell”) have undertaken to find the