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Octopus Energy issues £80 message to millions of customers

Octopus Energy issues 80 message to millions of customers
The energy giant has set out ways customers can save on their bills

Octopus Energy has issued advice to its customers about how they can save money on their bills. The energy giant says households should consider paying their bills in a particular to avoid wasting money they don't have to spend.

This is particularly crucial for the lowest-earning households who are likely to be struggling most with gas and electricity payments. Octopus posted a message on the cost of living support section of its website.

They explained paying monthly by direct debit is usually the most cost-effective way. It also ensures bills stay even throughout the year and don't surge in winter when households use more energy.

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The company reminded customers who do not pay direct debit that their bills would continue to fluctuate from one month to the next. Octopus said: "Think about which tariff - and payment method - suits you best." They added one option was to 'set up a monthly direct debit online to save around £80 a year'.

Octopus explained: "A steady monthly direct debit is our most popular way to pay, because it allows you to spread your payments evenly across the 12 months, rather than paying less in summer and much more over the winter. Because this method costs us less in admin, your unit price is less, saving the average home on our variable tariff around £80 a year."

Setting out other options, the company added: "Pay by variable direct debit, where you pay for exactly what you use every month. Or, switch to smart pay-as-you-go, where you top up your meters as and when you need to.

"If you already have a smart meter, we should be able to switch you to smart prepay fairly quickly."

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