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July  2015  24JEWISH


24Jewish Video Clip of the Day ! Maccabi Games 2015 in Berlin, Part 2 Section on the right side Maccabi Electra Tel Aviv,Maccabi Tel Aviv FC Official, Great Videos Selection

▶   ▶  ▶Whats New! JEWISH ACTUAL NEWS 

Arutz Sheva TV Statement by PM Netanyahu in Wake of the Stabbing at the Pride Parade in Jerusalem

 30.07.2015 ראש הממשלה בנימין נתניהו בהצהרה בעקבות הדקירה במצעד הגאווה בירושלים: “בירושלים בוצע הערב פשע שנאה מתועב. בישראל לכל אחת ואחד, לרבות בקהילה הגאה, הזכות לחיות את חייהם בבטחה, ואנחנו נגן על הזכות הזאת. טוב שראשי הדת בישראל גינו את הפשע המתועב ואני קורא לכל מנהיגי הציבור להצטרף בהוקעת המעשה השפל הזה. אני מאחל בשם כל אזרחי ישראל החלמה שלמה ומהירה לכל הפצועים”.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu:  “A despicable hate crime was committed this evening in Jerusalem. In Israel everyone, including the gay community, has the right to live in peace, and we will defend that right. I welcome the Israeli religious leadership’s condemnation of this terrible crime, and I call on all those in positions of leadership to denounce this contemptible act. In the name of all of Israelis, I wish the wounded a full and speedy recovery.”

וידאו: איתי בית-און, לע”מ סאונד: ניר שרף, לע”מ

▶   ▶  ▶Whats New! Simcha – Jewish Music

Simcha channel Avremi Lunger and Nusi Fuchs – Tatte Hasiveinu | אברימי לונגר וילד הפלא נותי מילים: זכור ה’ מה היה לנו הביטה וראה את חרפתינו, אוי מה היה לנו, למה לנצח תשכחינו תעזבנו לאורך ימים, ‘מיר קינדערליך בעטען פין דיר’ חדש ימינו כקדם,

קער מיך צוריק צו דיר, מיין בענקשאפט איז אהן א שיעור, אנהייבן פין פריש וויל איך, אוי טאטע השיבנו

Avremi Lunger and Child Soloist Nusi Fuchs

מיקס: אבי זנו.

מוסיקה חסידית | Chasidic Music מלך הקומזיצים – פיני אינהורן | Pini Einhorn – Kumzitz

▶   ▶  ▶Whats New! JEWISH LIFE 

Krula Camp Tish B’Av Play: Churban Habayis

28.07.2015 צפו בפעילות המיוחדת במחנה ‘נחלת צבי’ קראלי שבהרי הקטסקיל שם למדו התלמידים באופן חי ומוחשי על סדר העבודה שהיה בזמן שבית המקדש היה קיים: בעוד הילדים ה”כהנים” עסוקים בעבודה בהדלקת המנורה והקרבת הקרבנות, הגיעו הילדים ה”רומאים” והציתו אש בכותל העזרה שנשרף עד היסוד. ה”גולים” ישבו לארץ ובכו על החורבן וכל המשתתפים במחנה נמס לבבם לנוכח המחזה שהטעימם מעין הצער הגדול שהיה בעת חורבן הבית

▶   ▶  ▶Whats New! LA VIE JUIVE 

jerusalemplus tv Six personnes poignardées lors de la Gay Pride de Jérusalem

30.07.2015 Au moins six personnes ont été attaquées à coups de couteau lors de la *13è Gay Pride* qui se déroulait ce jeudi à Jérusalem. *Deux des victimes sont dans un état grave* selon le Magen David Adom, l’équivalent israélien de la Croix-Rouge. Les ambulanciers sont arrivés rapidement sur les lieux pour soigner les personnes poignardées.

La police a indiqué que “l’assaillant, un juif ultra-orthodoxe, a été arrêté”:

États-Unis : l’espion israélien Jonathan Pollard bientôt libéré

 29.07.2015 Arrêté en 1985 alors qu’il était analyste dans la marine américaine et condamné à la prison à vie pour espionnage pour le compte de l’Etat hébreu, l’espion israélien Jonathan Pollard va bientôt être libéré par Washington. Un geste qui intervient peu de temps après l’accord sur le nucléaire iranien, dénoncé avec force par Israël.

רפאל דוד משהו חדש | Raphael David Something New

 01.06.2015 רפאל דוד משהו חדש | Raphael David Something New.

להזמנת אירועים ומופעים: R&D Record | 0527548759 |

Michel Onfray face à Patrick Cohen – C à vous – 06/04/2015

07.04.2015 C à vous Invité de l’actu, le philosophe Michel Onfray s’est défendu de tout basculement à droite voire à l’extrême-droite, pourfendant néanmoins les trois types de gauche dont il décrit l’existence. 6 Avril 2015 France 5  #Cavous 


Israel Heute Zum 1. Mal jüdische Makkabi Spiele in Deutschland

28.07.2015 In der Berliner Waldbühne sind am Dienstagabend von Bundespräsident Joachim Gauck die 14. Europäischen Makkabi Spiele eröffnet worden. Bis zum 5. August werden mehr als 2.000 Athleten um Medaillen kämpfen.

Studio Friedman: SPD – Politik auf Kosten der jungen Generation (Sendung vom 04.06.2015)

m 27.07.2015 Mindestlohn und Rentenpaket sorgen laut SPD für mehr soziale Gerechtigkeit. Wer bezahlt diese Wahlversprechen? Darüber diskutiert Michel Friedman mit Nicola Beer (FDP) und Lothar Binding (SPD).

Politik & Talk. Sendung vom Donnerstag, 4. Juni 2015 © N24 2015. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Studio Friedman – Immer Donnerstags gegen 17.15 Uhr auf N24.

▶   ▶  ▶Whats New! JEWISH CULTURE 

Forverts Converting to Judaism

04.05.2015 Despite the sometimes lengthy and challenging process—and concerns that converted Jews are not “100 percent” Jewish—many converts find fulfillment and a sense of identity in the Jewish faith. According to Shmuly Yanklowitz, an Orthodox rabbi and himself a convert, Judaism will need to become more inclusive and more accepting of converts to survive in the 21st century.

For My Children? Only The Best

29.07.2015 Parents are never satisfied to provide their children with the minimum, or even the average. For their own needs a father or mother might settle for less, but for their children they want only the greatest and the best they can provide. If this is so with food and clothing, which are quite temporary, how much more so when it comes to a child’s spiritual education, which impacts the rest of his or her entire life.

▶   ▶  ▶Whats New! JEWISH HISTORY

Jewish History Rabbi Berel Wein


This Day in Jewish History: Israel enacts the symbolic ‘Jerusalem, Capital of Israel’ law Haaretz

East Jerusalem was never actually annexed, but in 1980, Tehiya’s Geula Cohen decided to protect ‘the integrity and unity of greater Jerusalem,’ to the … East Jerusalem From Wikipedia East Jerusalem or Eastern Jerusalem (Arabic: القدس الشرقية‎, Hebrew: מזרח ירושלים) is the sector of Jerusalem that was not part of Israeli-held West Jerusalem at the end of the 1948-1949 Arab–Israeli War. Israeli and Palestinian definitions of it differ;[1] the Palestinian official position is based on the 1949-1967 post-armistice situation, while the Israeli position is mainly based on the current municipality boundaries of Jerusalem, which resulted from a series of administrative enlargements decided by Israeli municipal authorities since 1967. Despite its name, East Jerusalem includes neighborhoods to the north, east and south of the Old City, and in the wider definition of the term even on all these sides of West Jerusalem. read more…

Geulah Cohen From Wikipedia Geulah Cohen (Hebrew: גאולה כהן‎, born 25 December 1925) is an Israeli former Irgun and Lehi member, politician, and journalist. Geulah Cohen was born in Tel Aviv during the Mandate era. She studied at the Levinsky Teachers Seminary, and earned a master’s degree in Jewish Studies, Philosophy, Literature and Bible at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.[1]

In 1942 she joined the Irgun, and moved to Lehi the following year.[2][3][4] A radio announcer for the group, she was arrested by the British authorities in 1946. She was imprisoned in Bethlehem, but escaped from jail in 1947. She was also editor of the Lehi newspaper Youth Front. After Israeli independence in 1948, she contributed to Sulam, a monthly magazine published by former Lehi leader Israel Eldad. read more… fotos wikipedia

Geula Cohen גאולה כהן בראיון על מנחם בגין

בראיון מספרת כהן על פרשת השילומים, על צניעותו, מאבק השילומים, בגין כמנהיג ומפקד האצ”ל, ועל כך שמנע מלחמת אחים והאמין באהבת ישראל.

Geula Cohen, former MK and Deputy-Minister, reminisces on the Reparations episode, Begin’s modesty, Begin as a leader and Irgun commander, how he prevented civil war and his belief in the love of Israel.

▶   ▶  ▶Whats New! CHASSIDUS

Daf Yomi Rabbi Dov Linzer Yeshivat Chovevei Torah Rabbinical School פרשת ואתחנן

30.07.2015 ניתן לצפות בשיעורים נוספים, להוריד קבצי שמע ותמלולים באתר מלכות ישראל: ניתן לקבל סרטונים לוואטספ במספר – 972507951105+

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פרשת השבוע – פרשת ואתחנן מפי הרה”ג יצחק כהן שליט”א Temple Talk Radio: From Tisha B’Av to Tu B’Av: From Mourning to Rejoicing

28.07.2015 A Message for Obama: The View from Under the Bus

Unprecedented Numbers of Jews Visit the Temple Mount on Tisha B’Av and Reaffirm the Jewish People’s Eternal Connection to their Holy Site

This week’s rousing Torah portion of parashat Ve’etchanan features Moses’ plea to enter the Land of Israel, in order to see ‘this good mountain, and the Lebanon,’ a coded reference to the Holy Temple. Indeed, this weeks features a unique progression in time on the Holy Temple calendar, from the mourning of Tisha B’Av to the joyous crescendo of Tu B’Av. How do we understand the indefatigable nature of Jewish existence? It’s the secret of the Holy Temple. Join Yitzchak Reuven and Rabbi Richman for an amazing edition of Temple Talk, including a first-hand description of the experience of Tisha B’Av on the Temple Mount, as well as an important analysis and review of recent events at the holy site.

Kupat Ha’ir is the largest volunteer based charity fund supported by Jews worldwide. Kupat Ha’ir is the lifeline for thousands of needy. With offices in Israel, the U.S., Canada


24Jewish Video Clip of the Day ! Maccabi Games 2015 in Berlin, Part 2 Section on the right side Maccabi Electra Tel Aviv,Maccabi Tel Aviv FC Official, Great Videos Selection

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breakingnews- Torah Insights



thetheme124JEWISH Shabbos times for New York City, New York, USA Tu B’Av occurs on Friday, 31 Jul 2015 Candle lighting: 7:54pm on Friday, 31 Jul 2015 This week’s Torah portion is Parshas Vaeschanan Shabbos Nachamu occurs on Saturday, 01 Aug 2015 S H A B B A T S H A L O M שבה שלום Шабат шалом

Arrestations en Italie et en Espagne de partisans présumés de l’État islamique Présentation 613TV, qui sommes-nous RONY AKRICH “Israel vivra, Israel vaincra et ce malgre nous!!” weekly-parasha-dont-NEW

Weekly Parasha F-U-L-L  Version  24JEWISH.TV WEEKLY PARASHAH,, Select MyRabbi,,, Languages : hebrew,english,russian,french,spanish Great Shiurim and Commentaries Selection

Weekly Parasha Short Version

24Jewish Watch What Happens ! Parashat Hashavuah : Va’etchanan english, hebrew, french, spanish, russian, The Jewish Woman,Kids&Teens,, Special: Parashat Va’etchanan by Rabbi Mizrachi ,,, Part 2 Section on the right side, ,Rabbi Chaim Richman,Rav TOUITOU,, ,,Harav Yosef Ben Porat , Rabbi Yitzchak Ginsburgh and more… Great Videos Selection

CLICK-1b24Jewish Video Watch What Happens! COMPACT Jewish Daily News ! ,,,,,Part 2 Section on the right side Arutz Sheva TV, jerusalemplus tv, Israel Heute., Jewish History ,Jewish Culture,, Simcha channel, Daf Yomi Rabbi Dov Linzer,Great Videos Selection

CLICK-1b24Jewish Video Watch What Happens! NEWS of the Day ! PM Netanyahu’s Remarks at the Start of the Weekly Cabinet Meeting,Iran nuclear deal: Too big to fail? ,Oakland County Judge Locks Up 3 Jewish Siblings for Refusing to See Their Father, ,Part 2 Section on the right side Arutz Sheva TV,IBA News,IDF the Israel Defense Forces (IDF),

CLICK-1b24Jewish Video Watch What Happens! NEWS of the Day ! Jerusalem Filmaker Tzvi Fishman,Fighting BDS: Interview with Laurie Cardoza-Moore, Severe Animal Abuse In Zoglovek Slaughterhouse In Israel,,,Part 2 Section on the right side Arutz Sheva TV,IBA News,IDF the Israel Defense Forces (IDF),., Great Videos Selection

24Jewish Video Watch What Happens! COMPACT Jewish Daily News ! ,,,,,Part 2 Section on the right side Arutz Sheva TV, jerusalemplus tv, Israel Heute., Jewish History ,Jewish Culture,, Simcha channel, Daf Yomi Rabbi Dov Linzer,Great Videos Selection

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Arutz Sheva TV,  IBA NEWS, Maariv,

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Statement by PM Netanyahu in Wake of the Stabbing at the Pride Parade in Jerusalem

Arutz Sheva TV, IBA NEWS, Maariv,+++++

Statement bu PM Netanyahu after his meeting in Nicosia with President of Cyprus Anastasiades Structure Fire In Monsey On Park Lane

רה”מ נתניהו בישיבה מיוחדת לציון 120 שנים להולדת רה”מ לוי אשכול ז”ל Huckabee: Obama Marching Israelis ‘to The Door of The Oven’ INCIDENTS SUR LE MONT DU TEMPLE JUSQU’A QUAND ?

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Jewish News חדשות יהודיות Fearured Topic

Prominent Chabad Rabbi Killed In Tragic Car Accident In Crown Heights Community Reacts to Death of Rabbi Yekutiel Rapp Bennett: Expulsion of Jews? Never Again

נאום רה”מ נתניהו בטקס מסדר כנפיים 170

PM Netanyahu’s Remarks at the Start of Cabinet Meeting – 28/06/2015 Car flips over NJ turnpike lands in a Jewish parking lot in linden NJ

Shavei Israel

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Jewish Worldnews


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Jewish News חדשות יהודיות HEBREW

Itzik Dadya Joined The IDF

40 שנה, באהבה ובאמונה ערוץ מאיר יום ירושלים תשע”ה אמונה והשקפה זוגיות, חינוך ומשפחה ערוץ מאיר לנשים ערוץ מאיר לנוער שאלות ותשובות נושאים שונים מיוחדים מילי דבדיחותאIsraeli Network 

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Jewish News חדשות יהודיות RUSSIAN

MeirTvRussian Голоса Библии Личность и идеи Рава Кука Книга Берешит Беседы о семейных отношениях История и Иудаизм Алия – Первые шаги Первый Сезон


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clip-chaiabramson  24Jewish Video Jewish Event Clip of the Day,Shai Abramson, Part 2 Cantor Chazzan Yaakov Rosenfeld Great Videos Selection

recipe-Fried Chicken Video Jewish Recipes of the Day,How to make Ultra Fabulous Batter – Fried Chicken, Part 2 Chef Levana Kirschenbaum and more Great Videos Selection Please Ask the Rabbi about Kashrut

Shiri Maimon

24Jewish Video Jewish Clip of the Day ! Shiri Maimon and Shimon Bouskila – Happy Days, Part 2 Section on the right side, Shiri Maimon and Shimon Bouskila . ,., Great Videos Selection

24Jewish Video Watch What Happens! Music-Simcha of the Day ! Pischi LI – Simcha Leiner , Part 2 Section on the right side Simcha Leiner,Yaakov Shwekey, Yossi Green ., Great Videos Selection

24Jewish Video Watch What Happens! Clip of the Day ! David D’or , kol hakochabim, Part 2 Section on the right side David D’or ,., Great Videos Selection

24Jewish Video Watch What Happens! NEWS of the Day ! Iran nuclear deal reached,i24news exclusive interview with Gill Rosenberg , Crossing the Line 2: The New Face of Anti-Semitism on Campus ,,,Part 2 Section on the right side Arutz Sheva TV,IBA News,IDF the Israel Defense Forces (IDF),., Great Videos Selection

24Jewish Video Clip of the Day ! Discours de François Hollande au mémorial de la Shoah à Paris, Part 2 Section on the right side Jusqu’au dernier : La destruction des Juifs d’Europe ,., Great Videos Selection

24Jewish Video Clip of the Day ! Lechu Neroneu – Cantor Aron Hayoun and the choir of the Grand Synagogue La Victoire, Paris, Part 2 Section on the right side CRIF , Roger Cukierman,., Great Videos Selection

24Jewish Video Clip of the Day ! Ensemble “Aventura” dans “Pax, Shalom, Salam”, Part 2 Section on the right side Tsahal – Armée de Défense d’Israël,., Great Videos Selection

24Jewish Video Clip of the Day ! TAGLIT FRANCE avec le FSJU, Part 2 Section on the right side Centre Communautaire Laic Juif, Ccljbe Bruxelles., Great Videos Selection

24Jewish Video Clip of the Day ! Rare témoignage des Juifs en Algérie sur de bonnes relations avec les musulmans, Part 2 Section on the right side Europe Israël ,., Great Videos Selection

24Jewish Video Clip of the Day ! INVENTING OUR LIFE: THE KIBBUTZ EXPERIMENT – Excerpt, Part 2 Section on the right side Kibbutz,., Videos Selection 

24Jewish Video Clip of the Day ! A Day in the Life: Kibbutz Tel Katzir, Part 2 Section on the right side Kibbutz ,., Videos Selection 24Jewish Video Clip of the Day ! What is a kibbutz in Israel ? By Adam J. Wasser, Part 2 Section on the right side The Hannaton Educational Center,., Great Videos Selection 

24Jewish Video Clip of the Day ! International Dance Journey Program Rehearsal | KibbutzContemporary Dance Company, Part 2 Section on the right side Yehudit Arnon Kibbutz Contemporary Dance Company ,., Videos Selection 24Jewish Video Clip of the Day ! How to Build a Geodesic Strawbale Dome – Placing the Bales, Part 2 Section on the right side Kibbutz and Music,., Great Videos Selection

24Jewish Video Jewish Clip of the Day,Shabbat in Tel Aviv and Beit Tefilah Israeli – Kabbalat Shabbat at Tel Aviv Port, Part 2 The Birthright Israel Experience Great Videos Selection

24Jewish Video Jewish Clip of the Day,Yeshiva Darchei Torah Choir – Shalom Aleichem, Part 2 Section on the right side : TheJewishSongs, Chabad Media, Breslev Media Great Videos Selection

24Jewish Video Jewish RECIPES of the Day , Kosher Kingdom: Cooking With The King – How to Make Chicken Stir-Fry , Part 2 Kosher Kingdom channel Please Ask the Rabbi about Kashrut

24Jewish Video Clip of the Day ! The Spielberg Jewish Film Archive – Theodor Herzl – A Living Portrait, Part 2 Section on the right side Theodor Herzl,., Great Videos Selection

24Jewish Video Clip of the Day ! Waiting for Godot, Part 2 Section on the right side: Yiddish Book Center, Beyond The Books: Interviews with Descendants of Yiddish Writers and Cultural Figures. Great Selection24Jewish Video Clip of the Day,I Love Israel !, Prayer for Israel: If You’re Not the One, Part 2 Section on the right side:Yehudah and Shomron. Great Videos Selection 24Jewish Video Clip of the Day,IDF- Born To Be Wild, Part 2 Section on the right side:the Israel Defense Forces (IDF). Great Videos Selection 24Jewish Video Clip of the Day,Completely Unbiased News, Part 2 Section on the right side:Jewlarious Great Videos Selection24Jewish Video Jewish Clip of the Day,BBC: Former British Army Colonel Richard Kemp Discusses IDF Gaza Ops and more, Part 2 Section on the right side : Arutz Sheva TV, the Israel Defense Forces, Jews On Television Great Videos Selection 24Jewish Video Jewish Nostalgia of the Day, Les Variations – Superman Superman – 1975, Part 2 Section on the right side : Popular Isaac Bitton Videos,Jewish Rock & Metal , Jewish rock Great Videos Selection

24Jewish Video Clip of the day, Bar Yochai – Words: Rabbi Shlomo Amar – Cantor: Manny Cohen., Part 2 Rabbi Shlomo Amar, Messilat Yesharim, Jewish Torah Insights, Great Videos Selection

24Jewish Video Clip of the day, Yonatan Razel – ” ett panecha abakech”, Part 2 Popular Yonatan Razel , Great Videos Selection

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24Jewish Video Clip of the Day ! HAVANA – LA HABANA Jews in Cuba, Part 2 Section on the right side The Barry Sisters- yiddish favorites ,., Great Videos Selection24Jewish Video Jewish Culture of the Day ! Yiddish Lesson 1. Beginners Level, Part 2 Section on the right side,bbbb,., Great Videos Selection 24Jewish Video Jewish Culture of the Day ! Prayers with an Italian flavor in Jerusalem, Part 2 Section on the right side, ISRAEL. ,., Great Videos Selection24Jewish Video Clip of the Day ! Spiced Gefilte Fish – Kosher Recipe, Part 2 Section on the right side joy kosher,., Great Videos Selection 24Jewish Video Clip of the Day ! dj messiah, Part 2 Section on the right side MatanelMessiah,., Great Videos Selection 24Jewish Video Clip of the Day ! Masa Israel – Andres assists the CTO of a nonprofit in Tel Aviv, Part 2 Section on the right side Masa Israel,., Great Videos Selection 24Jewish Video History of the Day ! Israeli Jewish wedding, Part 2 Section on the right side Proud Sephardic,., Great Videos Selection 24Jewish Video Clip of the Day ! Kinderjohren yiddish song from Cracow, Part 2 Section on the right side Bente Kahan,., Great Videos Selection

24Jewish Video Jewish Culture of the Day ! VOI Unplugged: Pesach Stadlin “A Song for Ahmadinejad”, Part 2 Section on the right side,Voice of Israel,VOI Unplugged, Great Videos Selection

24Jewish Video Jewish History of the Day ! A Visit to Munkács in 1938- Archival Footage of a Family Murdered in the Holocaust , Part 2 Section on the right side,The Fate of Jewish Communities: Before,During and After the Holocaust,., Great Videos Selection

24Jewish Video Jewish Culture of the Day ! Mordechai Gebirtig, Part 2 Section on the right side,Mordechai Gebirtig. Great Videos Selection

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24Jewish Video Event of the Day ! Shavuot Song – “Stay Up All Night”,,The Ten Commandments – A Song for Kids, The Ten Commandments as Part of Shema- Interview with Rabbi David Bar-Hayim,,Part 2 Section on the right side Shiurim Preparation for Shavuot,., ( hebrew) Great Videos Selection

24Jewish Video Clip of the Day ! Itzik Dadya, Am Israel, Español y Hebreo, Musica Judia, Part 2 Section on the right side Itzik Dadya,., Great Videos Selection

24Jewish Video Clip of the Day! Rabot Hadrahim, Part 2 Section on the right side Mix Shalom Hanoch – Ahavat Neurai and more ,., Great Videos Selection

24Jewish Video Clip of the Dayof the Day ! Yehuda Glantz Yesh Li, Part 2 Section on the right side Yehuda Glantz ,., Great Videos Selection

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Simcha – Jewish Music

Avremi Lunger and Nusi Fuchs – Tatte Hasiveinu | אברימי לונגר וילד הפלא נותי מלך הקומזיצים – פיני אינהורן | Pini Einhorn – Kumzitz

מוטי שטיינמץ – צאינה וראינה – ישיבה עטרת שלמה

Lipa Schmeltzer “Mizrach” Official Music Video החזן חיים אליעזר הרשטיק קהילות הקודש – מלבסקי (אזכרה Best Jewish Music – Contemporary, Cool, Kosher

Benny Friedman – Yesh Tikvah ▶ ▶ ▶more videos in this playlist

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24Jewish funny videos

לא לחוצת ט”ו באבSrutonim – שרוטוניםשטותונים – לא לחוצת חתונה – גרסת המציאות

אנדרדוס – ביקור חולים

Matt LeBlanc and The Chabad Telethon

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Jewish Recipes

Israeli Food Culture

Matzoh Ball 101: Caplansky’s Teaches Abbey about Authentic Jewish Cuisine

Cuisine Juive Tunisienne – Les Boulettes du Couscous

Leah Cooks Kosher – Classic Challah – Braiding ,,,,,

Joan Nathan’s Chosen Food: The Ultimate Blintz Kosher Food Project – Cheese Blintzes How to Make Blintzes [VIDEO RECIPE] Feed Me Bubbe  ChalutzProductions

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Jewish Life

Krula Camp Tish B’Av Play: Churban Habayis

Tu B’Av, ט”ו באב, Upcoming Jewish holiday Hasidic Nigun ~ MelavehMalka ~ י”ט באב ~ {MINOR} Qanun & Guitar שולי רנד – סגולה Jewish Valentines Day” – Tu B’Av Boat Party on Shalom TV Tu B`Av – O amor está no ar Charleston in Tel Aviv Yafo – Dizengoff Square – celebrating Tu B’Av Charleston Tel Aviv – סווינג

Andrea Grinberg Tisha B’Av – My Birthday & A Day of Dischord שיעור דבר מלכות לנשים – פרשת דברים, תשעה באב

This is israel (In 60 Seconds)

Dr Maurice Mizrahi – The secrets of Jewish survival (Tish’a b’Av)

The last Tisha B’Av in Tears Orthodox Jews Taking Jiu Jitsu Lessons for Self Defense

IMAGINE – The Israeli version Howard Sterns Daughter Observes Shabbat

Strictly Kosher series

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Six personnes poignardées lors de la Gay Pride de JérusalemÉtats-Unis : l’espion israélien Jonathan Pollard bientôt libéréרפאל דוד משהו חדש | Raphael David Something NewMichel Onfray face à Patrick Cohen – C à vous – 06/04/2015

Le Mollah Omar est mort selon une source du gouvernement afghan

Entre les deux mon cœur balance..

Bombardement de l’État islamique : « La Turquie se moque de nous » Europe Israël ▶ ▶ ▶more videos in this playlist

DE CATHOLIQUE, A JUIVE ASSOCIEE AUX BNEI NOAH ▶ ▶ ▶more videos in this playlist

Arrestations en Italie et en Espagne de partisans présumés de l’État islamique Présentation 613TV, qui sommes-nous RONY AKRICH “Israel vivra, Israel vaincra et ce malgre nous!!”

73ème anniversaire de la Rafle du Vel d’Hiv Commémoration de la rafle du Vél’ d’hiv’ ,,,Jeu. 16 et dim. 19 juil. 2015

la Rafle du Vel d’Hiv, une chanson inédite de Gilbert Bécaud chantée par Anny Cordy Anniversaire de la Rafle du Vel d’Hiv – Allocution de Manuel Valls 72ème anniversaire de la Rafle du Vel d’Hiv – Allocution de Roger Cukierman

France – La rafle du Vél d’Hiv, 72 ans après La rafle du Vel’ d’hiv La rafle du vel d’hiv (1942) ▶ ▶ ▶more videos in this playlist Web-reportage “Vel d’hiv, 70 ans” : la collaboration Sur les chemins de la mémoire La Rafle – Le vel d’hiv La Rafle (2011) HD Movie Trailer Joseph Weismann, survivant de la rafle du Vel d’Hiv, à Miami Partie 1-2 Regarder La Rafle le film complet en francais Communautés Israélites du Bas-Rhin CIBR/CIS

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Jüdisches Leben

Studio Friedman: SPD – Politik auf Kosten der jungen Generation 

24Jewish Video Clip of the Day ! Maccabi Games 2015 in Berlin, Part 2 Section on the right side Maccabi Electra Tel Aviv,Maccabi Tel Aviv FC Official, Great Videos Selection

Zum 1. Mal jüdische Makkabi Spiele in Deutschland

Stunde des Höchsten – Talk mit Lan

desrabbiner von Baden Württemberg

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Makkabiade in Berlin: “Deutschland ins richtige Licht rücken” European Maccabi Games 2015 Berlin Die Namens-Änderungs-Verordnung 1938 – 24.07.2015 AUDIO 65 Jahre Zentralrat der Juden – 17.07.2015 AUDIO

TIDE TV – Jüdisches Leben in Hamburg – “Hamburg immer anders” Jüdisches Leben in Sachsen im 20. Jahrhundert. Dr. Jürgen Nitsche Zweiter Anlauf – Junge Juden in Sachsen-Anhalt Das DP-Lager Bergen-Belsen euronews cinema – “Poklosie”, ein polnischer Thriller über den schwierigen Umgang mit der Vergangenheit Sam de Hond, opname voor Spielbergs “Survivors of the Shoah”

Jüdisches Museum Hohenems ▶ ▶ ▶more videos in this playlist

“Die drei Kantoren” – 10.07.2015  AUDIO

Israel und die Araber – Der ewige Traum vom Frieden

mosaikTV – Szene Total 30.04.2015 Reformator, Ketzer, Judenfeind: Martin Luther – 03.07.2015 ,,audio 200 Jahre IKG München – 26.06.2015 ,,audio

Unser Talkgast ist der Rabbiner Henry Brandt. audio 11. Jüdische Woche in Leipzig Darstellungen des Holocaust (Aus der Reihe »Was wir nicht zeigen«)

Bergen-Belsen: J. Starkebaum, NDR, zum Besuch der Queen im ehemaligen KZ

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Jewish Communities
“גם אם אני צריך למות,” הוא הפציר, “תן לי למות בכבוד, זה כל מה שאני מבקש.
 Rachmastrivkah Rebbe in Australia -Tamuz 5775 Rabbi Nachum Muschel Levaya (Funeral)
Eden Har’el – From MTV to Buddha to Judaism חב”ד Chabad ▶ ▶ ▶more videos in this playlist Visiting Gedolei Hador with Rabbi Moshe Tuvia Lieff with Ohr Somayach Mentor’s Mission 2015
American Friends of Lubavitch (Chabad) Washington, DC Annual Benefit Event 2015 -5775 Chabad Center1 Chabad of Naples Partner Project – The 4th Annual Celebration 5.14.2015

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Jewish Culture

Converting to JudaismFor My Children? Only The Best

Jewish Dating Tips ▶ ▶ ▶more videos in this playlist

קליפ – דוד ד’אור ומיכה שטרית – שער פתח דודי קליפ – דוד ד’אור וגד אלבז – תפילת האב דוד ד’אור והפילהרמונית הישראלית Jiddische Lieder / Yiddish Songs Jewish Walking Tour Vancouver presented by Yossilinks & the Jewish Museum & Archives of BC Raizes/Roots

The Jewish Week The Tomb of King David The renovations of King David’s Tomb on Mt. Zion; Jerusalem – Completed!!!! The Message Of 17 Tammuz

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Jewish History

Rav Yehudah Glick – the Beit Hamikdash

1913 Seeds of Conflict Ontario Jewish Archives

JEDWABNE – ŚWIADEK HISTORII THE LEGACY OF JEDWABNE Jedwabne i holokaust – eye’s witness euronews cinema – Polish WWII massacre film causes shockwaves Legacy of Jedwabne – 57min. documentary Lawrence Troster

Women at the Wall – Rosh Chodesh Av 2013 [HD] | נשים בכותל המערבי בראש חודש אב תשע’ג Rabanit Iris Odani Elyashiv, Rosh Chodesh Av HEBREW

Jacobus Van Der Geest on coming to America Jewish survivor Dave Lux remembers Nicholas Winton Jewish Survivor Herbert Holden remembers Nicholas Winton Jewish Survivor Vera Gissing remembers Nicholas Winton

David Ben-Gurion Interview

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This Day in Jewish History
This Day in Jewish History: Israel enacts the symbolic ‘Jerusalem, Capital of Israel’ law Haaretz Geula Cohen גאולה כהן בראיון על מנחם בגין
This Day in Jewish History: The first post-WWII Jewish wedding in Berlin is held Haaretz
Martin Riesenburger The names of the bride and groom are lost to history, but not that of the … This count includes not only people in hiding, but also Jews of mixed . ..Martin Riesenburger
This Day in Jewish History: The most famous director you never heard of dies – This Day … – Haaretz William Wyler Accepts the AFI Life Achievement Award in 1976
 Tisha B’Av – Special Clip קליפ מרגש עד דמעות שוואקי שמע ישראל
This Day in Jewish History / Human chameleon Peter Sellers dies: ‘There is no me … I had it … Haaretz Top 10 Peter Sellers Performances
This Day in Jewish History / Russia releases ‘counter-revolutionary’ Lubavitcher Rebbe … – Haaretz
Who Was Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneerson? Jewish Biography as History

Only by removing the Confederate flag can the U.S. be who she says she is – Rabbis’ Round Table …Haaretz

הרשל”צ הרה”ג יצחק יוסף שליט”א ימי בין המיצרים Av Bein Hametzarim התשע”ד This Day in Jewish History / A Russian who founded a Yiddish newspaper in America is born – This …Haaretz Abe Cahan Exhibit All About Ab (Cahan) Yiddish

What’s Jewish about The Grateful Dead? – Music & Theater – Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News
The Grateful Dead – American Beauty (Álbum Completo) [Full Album]
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פרשת ואתחנןפרשת השבוע – פרשת ואתחנןמפי הרה”ג יצחק כהן שליט”א
Temple Talk Radio: From Tisha B’Av to Tu B’Av: From Mourning to Rejoicing
Tu B’Av and the Essence of Marriage פרנסה וזווגים ומעלת ט”ו באב – שיעור תורה בספר הזהר הקדוש מפי הרב יצחק כהן שליט”א ט”ו באב – כנס ענק עם הרב יובל אשרוב בסוד הדברים ▶ ▶ ▶more videos in this playlist
תשעה באב ▶ ▶ ▶more videos in this playlist
Call Torah Class : Tisha B’Av and Devarim

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PICof theDay



24Jewish Video Watch What Happens! Music-Simcha of the Day ! Pischi LI – Simcha Leiner , Part 2 Section on the right side Simcha Leiner,Yaakov Shwekey, Yossi Green ., Great Videos Selection

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24Jewish Video Jewish Clip of the Day,Yeshiva Darchei Torah Choir – Shalom Aleichem, Part 2 Section on the right side : TheJewishSongs, Chabad Media, Breslev Media Great Videos Selection

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24Jewish Video Jewish RECIPES of the Day , Kosher Kingdom: Cooking With The King – How to Make Chicken Stir-Fry , Part 2 Kosher Kingdom channel Please Ask the Rabbi about Kashrut


24Jewish Video Clip of the Day ! The Spielberg Jewish Film Archive – Theodor Herzl – A Living Portrait, Part 2 Section on the right side Theodor Herzl,., Great Videos Selection

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clip-Joy Kosher24Jewish Video Clip of the Day ! Spiced Gefilte Fish – Kosher Recipe, Part 2 Section on the right side joy kosher,., Great Videos Selection

clip-Messiah24Jewish Video Clip of the Day ! dj messiah, Part 2 Section on the right side MatanelMessiah,., Great Videos Selection

clip-Masa Israel24Jewish Video Clip of the Day ! Masa Israel – Andres assists the CTO of a nonprofit in Tel Aviv, Part 2 Section on the right side Masa Israel,., Great Videos Selection

clip-Israeli Jewish wedding24Jewish Video History of the Day ! Israeli Jewish wedding, Part 2 Section on the right side Proud Sephardic,., Great Videos Selection

clip-Bente Kahan24Jewish Video Clip of the Day ! Kinderjohren yiddish song from Cracow, Part 2 Section on the right side Bente Kahan,., Great Videos Selection

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24Jewish Video Jewish Culture of the Day ! Mordechai Gebirtig, Part 2 Section on the right side,Mordechai Gebirtig. Great Videos Selection


24Jewish Video Jewish Music of the Day , Cantor Ushi Blumenberg Keil Malei Rachamim , Part 2 CANTORS channel Great Videos Selection

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24Jewish Video Clip of the Day ! Council of Chabad Cantors AND MORE, Part 2 Section on the right side the brothers Aryel,., Great Videos Selection


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24Jewish Video Event of the Day ! Shavuot Song – “Stay Up All Night”,,,The Ten Commandments – A Song for Kids.,,,,The Ten Commandments – A Song for Kids, The Ten Commandments as Part of Shema- Interview with Rabbi David Bar-Hayim,,Part 2 Section on the right side Shiurim Preparation for Shavuot,., ( hebrew) Great Videos Selection

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