A Meteor Shower and May's Super Flower Moon
If it feels like you\'ve seen practically everything on your streaming services, you can watch a new celestial show courtesy of mother nature: A meteor shower and a supermoon will be lighting up the night sky this week. The Eta Aquarids is one of two meteor showers that occur when cosmic debris from Halley\'s Comet enters Earth\'s atmosphere as our planet journeys around the sun. According to The New York Times, the Eta Aquarids is active from April 19 to May 28, and it\'ll reach its peak from Monday night through Tuesday morning (May 4-5). You won\'t need any equipment to see the meteor shower (weather permitting). To get the best view, be patient as you let your eyes adjust to the darkness and look at the darker parts of the sky away from the moon. Another beautiful celestial sight, May\'s Full Flower Moon will rise just two days after the meteor shower. But since it\'s a supermoon, its brightness might make the meteor shower hard to see. The Full Flower M