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George Russell Driving For Mercedes In 2022

George Russell Driving For Mercedes In 2022
Mercedes-AMG Petronas F1 Team revealed its driver lineup Sept. 7 by confirming George Russell will join Lewis Hamilton as his teammate beginning with the 2022 Formula 1 season. “It's a special day for me personally

Mercedes-AMG Petronas F1 Team revealed its driver lineup Sept. 7 by confirming George Russell will join Lewis Hamilton as his teammate beginning with the 2022 Formula 1 season.

“It’s a special day for me personally and professionally, but also a day of mixed emotions,” Russell said in a team release. “I’m excited and humbled to be joining Mercedes next year, which is a huge career step.

“Looking ahead to next season, I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t absolutely buzzing. It’s a huge opportunity and one I want to grab with both hands. But I’m under no illusions as to the scale of the challenge; it’s going to be a steep learning curve.”

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Valtteri Bottas Joining Alfa Romeo in 2022

The announcement comes only one day after it was announced that Valtteri Bottas will join Alfa Romeo beginning in 2022. Bottas, who began racing with Mercedes in 2017, has earned nine race wins, 54 podiums, and 17 poles during his tenure there.

Hamilton, who is currently second in the F1 championship battle, added his thoughts on his fellow Englishman becoming his teammate on Twitter.

I want to take a moment to welcome @GeorgeRussell63 to the team. Through hard work he has rightly earned his spot. I look forward to seeing him grow as a driver with this great team and working with him to raise @MercedesAMGF1 higher. See you next year

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