Guardians of the Galaxy
The Guardians of the Galaxy are a team of intergalactic superheroes who have captured the hearts of audiences worldwide. From their first appearance in the Marvel Comics in 1969, to their blockbuster movie debut in 2014, the Guardians have become a household name.
But did you know that each member of the team has a connection to Kevin Bacon? That's right, the Guardians of the Galaxy are all part of the "Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon" game. From Chris Pratt to Zoe Saldana, each member has worked with someone who has worked with Kevin Bacon.
The Team Members
The team consists of Peter Quill/Star-Lord, Gamora, Drax the Destroyer, Rocket Raccoon, and Groot. Each member brings their own unique set of skills and personality to the team, making them a force to be reckoned with.
Whether you're a fan of the comics or the movies, the Guardians of the Galaxy are a beloved team of superheroes that have captured the hearts of audiences worldwide. And with their connection to Kevin Bacon, they've become even more intertwined with pop culture.