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Downtown Halifax braces for busy holiday season | CTV News

Downtown Halifax braces for busy holiday season  CTV News

Christmas is a little more than six weeks away, meaning holiday-themed festivals and events will be happening almost nightly in downtown Halifax.

It's not only good for business, it's also somewhat of a return to a pre-pandemic normal state -- that has always featured a festive environment.

Mayor Mike Savage says a bustling November -December event schedule in downtown Halifax, combined with a holiday-party atmosphere will provide a perfect recipe to wrap the downtown and waterfront with a holiday theme that will draw lots of people to the area.

"The convention centre is as booked up they could be, I think," said Savage. "Last year we had the decorations on city hall and people loved it. Those are all things that add to the vibrancy of the city."

As the pre-Christmas season ramps up, tourist operators are using these busy upcoming weeks as a springboard to plan.

"For us, it gives us (a) much greater sense of comfort to look at reinvesting back into the business," said Ambassatours Gray Line CEO Dennis Campbell.

Thus, setting the stage for more future prosperity.

"There is just a buzz around," said pub general manager Eugene McCabe, who added that convention centre and Christmas activities are a proven recipe to generate revenues.

"Kids, families, all day long enjoying the festivities of the downtown core."

The mayor said in pre-COVID-19 times, downtown Halifax at this time of the year was always festive and inviting. He expects a return to normalcy this coming season.

"You're going to be able to come around downtown Halifax and walk around and be amazed this year," said Savage. "People are going to get a sense of the sights and sounds of the Christmas season."

That is likely good news for businesses looking to rebound and for people eager to get outside and safely enjoy the season.

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