'Happy Gilmore 2' Is Allegedly In The Works And All I Have To Say Is WHY?
(Variety) “I saw Adam [Sandler] about two weeks ago, and he says to me, ‘McDonald, you’re gonna love this,'” McDonald said. “I said, ‘What?’ He says, ‘How about that,’ and he shows me the first draft of ‘Happy Gilmore 2.’ Maybe you should cut that out [of this audio] because I don’t wanna be a liar, but he did show me that, and I thought, ‘Well, that would be awesome.’ So, it’s in the works. Fans demand it, dammit!”
To answer the question posed in the title:
Giphy Images.
I'm always torn when news like this comes out.
On one hand, this is harmless. The movie is Sandler's creation, so it's not like some late, disconnected cash-grab for people other than the creator. It's also going to give him and his crew work and I'm sure he'll find a way to have Happy playing at the Mid Pacific club in Hawaii so they can all go on a real-world vacation. And, at the end of the day, if we don't want to watch, nobody is forcing us to so who cares
On the other hand, c'mon. Happy Gilmore 2? What about that movie screams for a continued story? Especially after Carl Weathers recently passed. Like I said, I don't mind as much that it's a cash grab because Sandler is the one actually grabbing the cash. I still mind a little, though. Want to do a sequel? Make more Murder Mysteries or Hubie Halloweens. Maybe make that rumored movie connecting all the characters of the Sandlerverse.
I just don't see the vision here. Those late 90s comedies were great and we will love them forever. But maybe focus on making some new stuff instead of milking the teets of the dead. Shoutout to the Sandman regardless. Here is my personal top tier of his filmography:
We also included multiple Adam Sandler entries in the last episode of The Bracket, where we debated which fictional home we would want to live in. Sandler has 2 prerequisites for basically every movie he is in. His girlfriend/wife better be a 10/10 and his house better be sick as hell.