Removal of women's headguards, Brazil Boxing Confederation gaining provisional membership, and Belgrade being ...

At the latest IBA Board of Directors meeting that took place on 3 March in Sochi, Russia, members agreed on a variety of pivotal decisions shaping the boxing landscape and calendar for 2024 and 2025.
The Board of Directors voted to remove headguards for women boxers in IBA-championship and sanctioned events at the elite level, bringing this in line with their male counterparts. The IBA will implement a three-month transitional period, and after June 2024 the rule will come into force. It is part of the latest amendments to the IBA Technical & Competition Rules, which also sees changes made to boxer nationality and eligibility.
The Board of Directors approved and welcomed another provisional member to the IBA family. The International Boxing Association (IBA) is delighted to announce the Brazil Boxing Confederation as its newest provisional member, starting with effect March 2024. Following the recent addition of the Czech Boxing Federation, this important development signifies IBA and its International Relations Department’s efforts towards creating opportunities for the athletes in the countries where National Federations have chosen to leave IBA for the rogue organization.
The meeting concluded with a presentation from Serbian Boxing Federation President, Nenad Borovčanin on the merits of Belgrade’s dynamic hosting abilities and desire to host a spectacular edition of the IBA Women’s World Boxing Championships 2025 in Belgrade following their hosting of the 2021 edition of the IBA Men’s World Boxing Championships. The presentation was followed by a vote where the Board of Directors unanimously approved their bid to host the Women’s World Championships for 2025.
Additional IBA Technical & Competition Rule changes also include that officials, once certified, will be directly affiliated with IBA, securing their eligibility in IBA competitions regardless of the membership status of their National Federation.
Feofaaki Epenisa (Tonga) has been added as the Oceania Boxing Confederation female representative and Ingrit Valencia (Colombia) as the female representative for the American Boxing Confederation on the IBA Athletes’ Committee.
In addition, a total of 18 observers were approved by the Board of Directors to support further National Federation and Confederation congress business, with a reach across all 5 respective Confederations.