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Mogg's Whitehall Work from Home League Table

Moggs Whitehall Work from Home League Table
Jacob Rees-Mogg's efforts to rein in wasteful Whitehall are continuing in earnest, with a new league table published today revealing the percentage of

Jacob Rees-Mogg’s efforts to rein in wasteful Whitehall are continuing in earnest, with a new league table published today revealing the percentage of civil servants working from the office during the week beginning April 4. Naming and shaming the worst performers… 

Mogg is asking Ministers to send him new data every fortnight, so these figures will be updated regularly with the hope of pulling every department back up to near-full capacity. The Department for International Trade and DHSC are at the top end, with nearly three-quarters back in the office, while Education and DWP are way down at the bottom, barely managing to take back a quarter of the workforce. Guido can’t help noticing the departments with the biggest blunders over the last year are, coincidentally, down in the relegation zone…

Read the full list below:

Department for International Trade – 73%

Department for Health and Social Care – 72%

Cabinet Office 70 Whitehall – 69%

Ministry of Defence – 67%

Ministry of Justice – 48%

Department for Transport – 48%

Her Majesty’s Treasury – 48%

Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities – 46%

Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport – 43%

Home Office – 42%

Northern Ireland Office – 36%

Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy – 35%

Wales Office – 33%

Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs – 33%

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs – 33%

Scotland Office – 32%

Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office – 31%

Department for Work and Pensions – 27%

Department for Education – 25%

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